The mathematics as science can work the content with the playful experience that of to the person the possibility of creative expression, of overcoming of the challenges at the same time that it makes possible in them to learn to deal with the desventuras of the frustration. 1.4? The Game in the Mathematics to work the playful one in the mathematics, we must analyze some aspects, that is, to demonstrate that the mathematics is to the reach of all, and the democratization of its education must be with priority goal for development. The mathematics is on to the understanding, that is, to the apprehension of the meaning; to apprehend the meaning of an object and events estimates to see it in its relations with other objectives and events. Thus, the treatment of the contents in compartments you stanch and in a rigid linear succession it must give place to a boarding in that the connections favorable and are detached (Souza, 2003). The election and organization of contents must not have as only criterion the internal logic of the mathematics.

The author describes that if he must lead in counting to its social relevance and the contribution for the intellectual development of the pupil. In if treating to a permanent process of construction, the mathematical knowledge must be presented the pupils as historically constructed and in permanent evolution. The professor must coexist the pupils, observing its behaviors, talking with them, asking, being interrogated for them, and carry through, also with them, its experiences, so that he can assist its learning and development. According to BLACKSMITH (2004), with regard to the environment in which the student is inserted, he needs to be challenging to always promote disequilibria. By this way, the motivation is characterized by disequilibrium, necessity, lack, contradiction, disorganization etc. One environment of such type will be favorable to the intrinsic motivation of the pupil.