Full program from 7 July 09, 2011 at the Faculty of design of the University of Wismar. More information is housed here: Campbell Soup Co. The annual exhibition slide 11 with Dr. Kristin Feireiss of the Aedes architecture Forum. Wismar. -On Thursday, July 07, 2011 at 16:00 opened Henry Tesch, Minister for education, science and culture in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with a greeting this year’s annual exhibition India ‘ 11 of Faculty of design of the University of Wismar.

Three days begin with full programme on design-related topics. Among other things the founder Dr. Kristin Feireiss of the Aedes architecture Forum is titled the designer between Superman and Super vision”report. Study and theses from the architecture, architectural lighting design, interior design, jewellery and product design and communication design and media extend these days over two buildings above the rooftop. There guests can expect a pavilion built from around 660 wooden pallets, which work lounge right significantly will leave its mark the ambience to the anus after the official opening. Each 22:00 is open the exhibition. All interested parties are invited to the Wismar University campus in the Philipp Muller-Strasse 14. India”shorthand for design, interior design and architecture, the study programmes of the Faculty is also designing the University of Wismar.

The entire program of the year exhibition India ‘ 11 is listed under in the design of the program on the homepage of the Faculty was thought to the specialist audience as well as to the regional traffic. Program points as the guest lecture, the summer school for students, show that the adjudication of the slide price 2011 through internal and external representatives, including Director Dieter Schumann, artist Miro Zahra and architect Therese Vijver. The family afternoon, however, is organized by the Student Council of the IDA. In the planning phase of the slide, program ideas were collected from professors, staff and students. This resulted in an action-rich event schedule, in which the actual exhibition is wonderful.