Tag: Education

Special Education

Such movements still standed out the potential benefits in the convivncia between deficient children and not deficient children. As example, the pupils with deficiencies they could ‘ ‘ (…) to participate of more challenging environments; to have more chances to observe and to learn with the pupils most competent; to live in normalizantes and realistic contexts to promote learnings significant; surrounding social more facilitadores and responsivos’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). Already the children without deficiency, the professors could excite the quarrel on ‘ ‘ (…) the possibility to accept the differences in the forms as the people is born, they grow and if they develop, and to promote in them attitudes of acceptance of the proper potentialities and limitaes’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). It is with these moral arguments, legal politicians and who the inclusion comes if transforming and gaining more space in the educational quarrels of all the segments. No longer century XXI, with the National Plan of Education that makes use that The Special Education is considered as an education modality and brings as line of direction the full integration of the people with necessities special in all the areas of the society.

It is treated, therefore, of two questions: the right the education, common to all the people, and the right to receive this possible education together with whenever the too much people in the schools ‘ ‘ regulares’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P. 38). As we can perceive, this document brings ampler inclusion of the people with NEE the same does not limit only the school, but also it says of the segments of all the areas of the society. However, it still discloses empecilho of ‘ ‘ whenever possvel’ ‘ , that is, some times not yet are possible. This document makes use that for the concretion of ‘ ‘ inclusion of this alunado in regular education is necessary elimination of the barriers architectural and the adequacy of the didactic-pedagogical material as the specific necessities of the pupils, ‘ ‘ (…) beyond the improvement of qualification of professores’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P..


ABSTRACT: This paper presents an evaluation proposal for the elementary school in the area of mathematics that starting from the basic thinking processes to determine the level of student development and in this way meet the requirements on education and law raised by the assessment in Colombia. KEY WORDS: Evaluation, thought processes, curriculum, skills, mathematics. A level of education in Colombia has been providing a series of transformations that so far only have been embodied in the various documents issued by the educational authorities in their application but no progress has been made clear. One of the problems which have not been able to make these changes has been the lack of training teachers have received on the possibilities and the absence of proposals that come down to earth approach of the Ministry of Education. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Linklater. This article presents a proposal for the evaluation of education and on this basis, the transformation of the curriculum that allows proposal development. First is a summary of approaches to the law on education and evaluation, in the second instance is an approach to a focus on the cognitive development of school-age students because they are the subject of the application of proposal, later made explicit the evaluation proposal and the alternative methodologies that allow to carry out the proposal. EDUCATION AND EVALUATION IN COLOMBIA Colombia's law states that education is a lifelong process, personal, cultural and social benefits based on a comprehensive conception of human beings, their dignity, their rights and duties. The aims of education point to the dynamic development of the human being, so you can enter society as an autonomous, participatory, engaged, productive and more.


Marla is a visionary. She is the kind of girl who "feel the fear and do things alike." . . in love, at work and in life. Marla is not afraid to go out and make your dreams come true. Marla's boyfriend, Tad, is alive type guy now. A Tad likes to go with the flow and see how things turn out.

No plans ahead. Maybe his dreams will come true sooner or later. Maybe not. Marla's soul stirring calling evolution. Its objectives are manifested in all areas of your life. Is growing and changing at a rapid pace.

Tad is always the same. After 18 months of courtship, Tad is content to live with roommates while Marla sits to wait for Tad to do something. Marla loves Tad. Your body wants. But Marla Tad moving and still, their relationship is going in opposite directions. Marla has two of the three "must have" in their relationship. Unfortunately, two of three is not enough. The three "must have" for every successful romantic relationship are: 1. I think LUST more non-negotiable for each relationship is lust. If you do not have chemistry with your partner, is simply too hard. Period. The chemistry appears in two forms: eyes and ears. A male hero is what you like, you know immediately that works for him and goes after him. A naive female hears the deal. An average man (or pretty or ugly) can get very nice for a feminine woman if she likes what he says.

Germany School

Well, or taught language in depth, at school or courses. I know English at secondary school level, that is all. Before entering 4 months purposefully prepared to the English exam and passed it to the desired point. But despite the language and financial difficulties, I still managed after the first year to receive a cash prize for third place on academic achievement. – Impressive. And where do you work while studying in Germany? – I had two underworking.

One – as an assistant on educational issues in the business school. This organizational position. In our school, all the speakers – invited. So I need to be pre- establish contact with them, get them to list what they need for the course, the list of necessary materials and prepare in advance for all students. Let's just say I was a mediator between students, professors and administration. Very interesting and, in some sense, the creative work that requires high communication skills. My second was a part-specialty, I have to program for graduate students at the institute information networks.

He gave me the job, and I had to program an experiment to push it and fix the results. It sounds easy to perform – is complicated. – Au-pair – it's all for the program? -This program, under which family invites you to a guy or a girl from another country, that they helped them care for their children and do light housework (cook dinner, clean, go shopping, etc.). This program enables parents again go to work and young people – to go to another country, learn a language, learn the culture.

Social Schools

09 2 – Programs of development of in agreement education Libneo (2008), explain in its book ' ' Pertaining to school education: Politics, structure and organizao' ' , on the creation, of Deep the National one of Development of Educao (FNDE): ' ' it was created in November of 1988 and is tied with the Ministry of Educao (MEC), with the purpose to catch financial resources for educational projects and of assistance to the student, most of these resources proceeding from the wage-education, that all the companies are citizens contribuir' ' This Wage-Education is supported by Law 4,462 of 1964, foreseen in article 212, paragraph 5, of the C.F, and charged of the entailed companies the Social welfare on the percentage of 2,5%.Toda prescription publishes is collected in only box, and divided in quarterly quotas, what we can say is that the annually stipulated values, hardly makes possible an education of quality, the deep one keeps some programs. National program of Alimentao Escolar (PNAE) the PNAE, known inside of the pertaining to school units as Pertaining to school Merenda, that has as objective, that the pupils of schools you publish, (municipal, state, day-care centers) and filantrpicas entities, can have at least a healthful meal per day. National program of Livro Didtico (PNLD) the PNLD, supplies the schools publishes with didactic books, chosen for the professors, with time of use of 2 years. It has two forms of attendance of this program: 1 – Centered, where the program acts since of the order of the school ties its distribution. 10 2- Decentralized, where states make this aquio and distribution, this it occurs in the states of So Paulo and Minas Gerais. Average education is contemplated by the PNLEM (National Program of the Didactic Book for Average Ensino) National program Library of the School (PNBE) the objective of the PNBE, is the distribution of literary compositions, encyclopedias and dictionaries, ace schools of basic education of the public net, aiming at to stimulate the reading Program Direct Money in the School (PDDE) the PDDE is the resources transferred to the schools of basic, municipal or state education, Federal District, and schools of special education kept by Ongs, objectifying an improvement in the quality of education.

Searched School

With 83,3% of approval 0 variable confirmed important quo is for the interviewed ones, the efetivao of the mother in the home to reassume the responsibility of the education of the children. Read more from Nike to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Little participation of the parents in the school. With 96% of agreement it was proved that the depreciation of the school, on the part of the family, occurs due to little participation of the parents in the pertaining to school activities. Negative relation between parents and school. To this 0 variable it was agreed enters 93,3% of the interviewed ones that for a progress in the process education/learning, the parents must keep a relation cordial and positive with the school. Opening of the school in the ends of week with activities monitored for the professors, approaches the parents of the school. This 0 variable was agreed by 72% of the searched ones, what it left clearly that the community wants to be part of the context of the school, being that this initiative would come to crown of success the yearnings of these parents.

The convivncia between professor/school/parents/pupils/community will be stronger with the participation of the parents in the school. With 92% the 0 variable was accepted that it reaffirms that, in the process education/learning has a necessity of envolvement of all: professors, school, parents, pupils and community, so that he has an education of quality. Valuation of the young, child and adolescent as inhibiting agent of the pertaining to school evasion. With 90,2% of acceptance this 0 variable was approved, that is, when the pupil is valued it takes ' ' gosto' ' for the school, not having reason to run away from the same one. A time the eradicated evasion the pertaining to school income of these pupils improves. In this 0 variable 80.7% of the searched ones they had answered that yes, that is, the evasion is linked with the income, for this has the necessity of if developing a work with that had pupil as ' ' pupil-problema' ' , therefore not having negative pertaining to school income, he will have a factor to less for the pertaining to school evasion.

PISA School

In 2005, launched a national project "Education", whose main purpose is to improve the quality of education in the Russian Federation. Richard Linklater does not necessarily agree. What are the tangible results of this project? Increased if the level of education high school graduates? Are today's graduates to real life in society? Assess the quality of education are currently producing the results of ct, although the fact of introducing this form of attestation of secondary schools is still a heated debate. In our view, a profound mistake is to assess the quality of knowledge, as such, but not the ability to operate flawlessly in the new non-standard situations, critical thinking, that just need a modern man of the Information Society. In addition, the results of an international study of educational achievements of pupils PISA-2006, which was attended by about 400 thousand teenagers from 57 countries, our the country was only the fourth top ten. So, talk about quality education is not necessary. What is the problem? Try in this paper to express their opinions. The Russian school, still faithful to the old Soviet tradition, seeks to fill the heads of his students a large amount of factual information. The formation of a school the ability to independently identify problems, analyze them, find the optimal path their solutions, ie apply their theoretical knowledge into practice, the Russian teachers do not pay enough attention. Despite the paradigm shift of society's development and education in Russia, teachers still spend valuable training time on something that would teach students a recipe solutions have long been solved problems.

Foundation School

The conceptions concerning the subject follow the formularizations of diverse authors, between them: PAROLIN (2005); TIBA (2007), SZYMANSKI (2007) In the first chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. Richard Linklater may not feel the same. We analyze in chapter 2 the family and its composition. The importance to know them first for then searching an approach, a partnership. The importance of the family and the school in the formation of the individual and as the participation of the family in the school can contribute for an education of quality and the success pertaining to school. We will analyze some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of as the parents they can participate. Chapter 3 speaks of the paper of the school in the life of the individual and on the strategies that can be applied so that the school obtains to bring the family for itself. We describe 4 different types of relations that the school can establish with the family, concluding the ideal relation so that the partnership family-school is established and fortified.

1.1 THE LEGISLATION: the right and the duty to the education In this chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) says: The education, right of all to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work.

Preparation School

Requirements for admission to study in Poland to go to one of the universities of Poland, will need a basic knowledge Poland, but almost all universities offer language courses that an applicant can go before the start of school. To confirm that knowledge of English to teach in English programs, you must submit TOEFL certificate or similar test results at least Intermediate. Nevertheless, the absence of such a document – not a reason to give up their dreams, most often have the opportunity to sit in place of TOEFL test similar to the chosen university. AND attend intensive language courses, if knowledge is not enough. About everything else – for admission to first year high school will be enough private high school diploma (although the preparation of documents should begin before the end of the school) or a bachelor's degree for admission to graduate school. Student life in Poland and adaptation in the country in every Polish high school has a special department which deals with 'housing question': offers students a dorm room or helping to find and rent an apartment. Conditions in the Polish hostels are wonderful, they do not compare with home. As a rule, the hostel is equipped with telephone and connection to Internet.

The cost of living in a dormitory – about 120 euros per month. Renting an apartment with other students, will cost 100 euros or more – depending on the area and other characteristics of housing. Independent apartment rental – 250 up to 400 euros, but it's hardly sensible choice, because if cohabitation adaptation will be much easier. Psychologically adapt in Poland and is actually quite easy – the experience of the students explicitly about this evidence. The closeness of the language and culture, friendly attitude of the local population to the Ukrainians and Russians, attention and friendly advice of curators and university staff will help you quickly and painlessly overcome the stress of moving.

Garden Castelinho School

The ones that had taken the luggage, brought beyond the book, a leaf with a drawing made for them and that it expressed what they had understood on history (that was counted for somebody of the family). A leading source for info: Kindle Direct Publishing. In classroom, he was chosen a book with a small history (so that he was not tiring) and reproduced history in done puppets of paper bags. The proposal made by the educator, was very interesting, therefore the reaction of the children with this type of activity is very positive. The lesson was more dynamic, glad, and the children had learned new words, thus constructing phrases before never mentioned by them. According to TRAVASSOS, always present question in speaks of the professor is what to make after counted history. Many are the activities that a history can excite: drawing, representing, changing ideas, activities that can extend the experience of the child in relation to the universe of the heard story.

in the comment of the teacher and the children of the garden lll of the Garden Castelinho School, this experience is very well applied and received. The educator told some tips of as to arrest the attention of the children. – The moment of rodinha is a moment that must be valued and be respected; – It is necessary that a magic, envolvement, enchantment climate is created; – The educator must to know what it is counting. Thus, it transmits confidence and it motivates the attention of the children; – It is important to show for the child who what it heard is printed matter in a book (it will be the case). Thus, the educator not only searchs to know, as to develop the abilities of each child who is there.

CONCLUSION When finishing the study, it concludes that the children whom the chance has to hear infantile histories already when they are born, obtain to develop with more easiness its imagination, its creativity. With this, safe, critical, inventive individuals will become and with innovative ideas.The infantile stories, have a magical power on us, mainly on the children. To sit down close to an adult hearing a history, obtains yes to awake emotion, exactly with the technological world where we live, with more creative toys each time, full of light barulhos. Who knows the importance of literature in the life of a person, mainly of a child, knows that nothing it substitutes a good well counted history. To go for a wonderful world, where it will have witches, duendes, thieves, but that in the end, everything finishes well. Thus, I consider infantile stories as an excellent pedagogical resource and of great aid in the construction of the character and learning of the child.