Such movements still standed out the potential benefits in the convivncia between deficient children and not deficient children. As example, the pupils with deficiencies they could ‘ ‘ (…) to participate of more challenging environments; to have more chances to observe and to learn with the pupils most competent; to live in normalizantes and realistic contexts to promote learnings significant; surrounding social more facilitadores and responsivos’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). Already the children without deficiency, the professors could excite the quarrel on ‘ ‘ (…) the possibility to accept the differences in the forms as the people is born, they grow and if they develop, and to promote in them attitudes of acceptance of the proper potentialities and limitaes’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). It is with these moral arguments, legal politicians and who the inclusion comes if transforming and gaining more space in the educational quarrels of all the segments. No longer century XXI, with the National Plan of Education that makes use that The Special Education is considered as an education modality and brings as line of direction the full integration of the people with necessities special in all the areas of the society.

It is treated, therefore, of two questions: the right the education, common to all the people, and the right to receive this possible education together with whenever the too much people in the schools ‘ ‘ regulares’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P. 38). As we can perceive, this document brings ampler inclusion of the people with NEE the same does not limit only the school, but also it says of the segments of all the areas of the society. However, it still discloses empecilho of ‘ ‘ whenever possvel’ ‘ , that is, some times not yet are possible. This document makes use that for the concretion of ‘ ‘ inclusion of this alunado in regular education is necessary elimination of the barriers architectural and the adequacy of the didactic-pedagogical material as the specific necessities of the pupils, ‘ ‘ (…) beyond the improvement of qualification of professores’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P..