Month: October 2019

Special Education

Such movements still standed out the potential benefits in the convivncia between deficient children and not deficient children. As example, the pupils with deficiencies they could ‘ ‘ (…) to participate of more challenging environments; to have more chances to observe and to learn with the pupils most competent; to live in normalizantes and realistic contexts to promote learnings significant; surrounding social more facilitadores and responsivos’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). Already the children without deficiency, the professors could excite the quarrel on ‘ ‘ (…) the possibility to accept the differences in the forms as the people is born, they grow and if they develop, and to promote in them attitudes of acceptance of the proper potentialities and limitaes’ ‘ (MENDES, 2006, P. 388). It is with these moral arguments, legal politicians and who the inclusion comes if transforming and gaining more space in the educational quarrels of all the segments. No longer century XXI, with the National Plan of Education that makes use that The Special Education is considered as an education modality and brings as line of direction the full integration of the people with necessities special in all the areas of the society.

It is treated, therefore, of two questions: the right the education, common to all the people, and the right to receive this possible education together with whenever the too much people in the schools ‘ ‘ regulares’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P. 38). As we can perceive, this document brings ampler inclusion of the people with NEE the same does not limit only the school, but also it says of the segments of all the areas of the society. However, it still discloses empecilho of ‘ ‘ whenever possvel’ ‘ , that is, some times not yet are possible. This document makes use that for the concretion of ‘ ‘ inclusion of this alunado in regular education is necessary elimination of the barriers architectural and the adequacy of the didactic-pedagogical material as the specific necessities of the pupils, ‘ ‘ (…) beyond the improvement of qualification of professores’ ‘ (SOURCES, 2003, P..

ARP Presents 24-port Fanless Switch For Gigabit Ethernet

The Gigabit switch ARP delivers maximum power for little money. The powerful switch is an interesting solution, especially for medium and large networks to increase the efficiency and to expand existing installations. The new switch of ARP and is equipped with an internal power supply and connects to 100 or 1000 MB/s Ethernet network embedded PCs, laptops, printers and other peripherals 10, The different transfer rates the switch detects also operate in half – or full-duplex mode at each port. User addresses are stored and with the “store and forward algorithm diverted directly to the destination address. This bandwidth is optimized and the network is experiencing a noticeable performance increase. Each port is equipped with an LED status display. The robust construction and the possibility of installation in 19 “standard racks allow for use in data centers or installation in network cabinets.

The switch can be installed but also as a simple desktop solution. Since the Switch fan or fan comes with, he is also suitable for use in offices and workplaces. ARP provides the fanless quality switch (art.) No. 846817) ab for EUR 154.–. In addition to the 24-port switch is ARP an identical device with 16 ports to EUR 119 available (art.) No. 846813). More information at or Tel. No. 06074-491 100

Educational Orientation

It is of utmost importance that the educational person who orientates if sees as an educator, not in such a way as a specialist in theoretical education, and that it inside assumes its space of the school having an intention to mediate, inside of the measure of the possible one, the interpersonal relations and the reflections in the direction to exceed the instituted one? for this it needs the theoretical deepening necessary and to commit itself to the changes that if they demand as part of its professional and personal matureness. The challenge to rethink the paper of the educational person who orientates in the present time in sight of the urgency is rank of that new behaviors and knowledge are incorporated the pertaining to school resume. Levi’s does not necessarily agree. One becomes necessary that let us can appropriating in them of new instruments, resources, knowledge, methods that approach the practical one of the educational person who orientates of so excellent theories, applying them of efficient and consistent form, so that its function in the school is recognized and has the prominence that it deserves. 2 – A historical briefing of the Educational Orientation in Brazilian educational legislation: The Educational Orientation, in the educational context, appears since the Constitution of 1937, during the New State under the dictatorship of Getlio Vargas, who promoted disciplines it moral and the physical adestramento of youth for the fulfilment of its duties stops with the economy and the defense of the Nation, in such a way kept the pupils ' ' normais' ' in the regular courses, and the pupils ' ' less favorecidos' ' in daily pay-vocational and professional education. Learn more about this with Nike. ' ' less favorecidos' ' one reads the children of the diligent classrooms and ' ' normais' ' , the children of the elite. To implant the Constitution of 1937, as for the Education, had been servant diverse decree-laws, called Organic Laws of Ensino, that had undertaken a series of reforms in education, referenciando, for the first time, the profession of the Educational Person who orientates.


ABSTRACT: This paper presents an evaluation proposal for the elementary school in the area of mathematics that starting from the basic thinking processes to determine the level of student development and in this way meet the requirements on education and law raised by the assessment in Colombia. KEY WORDS: Evaluation, thought processes, curriculum, skills, mathematics. A level of education in Colombia has been providing a series of transformations that so far only have been embodied in the various documents issued by the educational authorities in their application but no progress has been made clear. One of the problems which have not been able to make these changes has been the lack of training teachers have received on the possibilities and the absence of proposals that come down to earth approach of the Ministry of Education. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Richard Linklater. This article presents a proposal for the evaluation of education and on this basis, the transformation of the curriculum that allows proposal development. First is a summary of approaches to the law on education and evaluation, in the second instance is an approach to a focus on the cognitive development of school-age students because they are the subject of the application of proposal, later made explicit the evaluation proposal and the alternative methodologies that allow to carry out the proposal. EDUCATION AND EVALUATION IN COLOMBIA Colombia's law states that education is a lifelong process, personal, cultural and social benefits based on a comprehensive conception of human beings, their dignity, their rights and duties. The aims of education point to the dynamic development of the human being, so you can enter society as an autonomous, participatory, engaged, productive and more.

Municipal School

Surprised by these curious and quaint trolleys told the pea that ended 16 and that he would It would help with permissions, after all that were friends. Just before finishing his term as Governor, he kept his word and authorized permits to 16 carts circulate through the streets; It was as of December 20, 1965 took to the streets of Mazatlan for the first time and parade all the carts, and in the first El pea playing the accordion celebrating his achievement. Such was his success that first year El Chincharo wanted to import another 16. These curious carts 3 wheel from the beginning were accepted and seen welcomed by locals, however there were problems with the Union of taxi drivers and urban trucks, who started a campaign against carts discrediting them with citizenship; in such a way that when they saw one person address one of this cart, he told them that by being open are they sick of pneumonia so people started to call PNEUMONIAS, name kept until now. The good relations that the pea was with the new Governor helped him to realize his success since in 3 years he already had 100 pneumonias working.

One of the reasons why people accepted them, was for its originality, but also gave excellent service and above all were a means of very economical transportation. This company grew very fast and even had its own Center of service and the different departments such as: mechanical workshop, carpentry, welding, forging, washing, repair of tires, etc. The terrain where the Service Center was measured 1000mts2 and was at the corner of street Constitution and Carnival; corner that it now houses the Municipal School of art. The pneumonias workers formed a Union and petitioned the Governor their support for some of the vehicles with their corresponding permissions; This was considered by the pea and by some citizens as unfair even as a violation of their right to free enterprise.