The conceptions concerning the subject follow the formularizations of diverse authors, between them: PAROLIN (2005); TIBA (2007), SZYMANSKI (2007) In the first chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. Richard Linklater may not feel the same. We analyze in chapter 2 the family and its composition. The importance to know them first for then searching an approach, a partnership. The importance of the family and the school in the formation of the individual and as the participation of the family in the school can contribute for an education of quality and the success pertaining to school. We will analyze some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of as the parents they can participate. Chapter 3 speaks of the paper of the school in the life of the individual and on the strategies that can be applied so that the school obtains to bring the family for itself. We describe 4 different types of relations that the school can establish with the family, concluding the ideal relation so that the partnership family-school is established and fortified.

1.1 THE LEGISLATION: the right and the duty to the education In this chapter, we will analyze the Constitution, Laws and Statutes that approach the existing joint between the two educational institutions, the family and the school, in what refer to the duty to the education. Although they are different, co-they are made responsible by the guarantee to the education with quality. The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988) says: The education, right of all to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work.