With 83,3% of approval 0 variable confirmed important quo is for the interviewed ones, the efetivao of the mother in the home to reassume the responsibility of the education of the children. Read more from Nike to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Little participation of the parents in the school. With 96% of agreement it was proved that the depreciation of the school, on the part of the family, occurs due to little participation of the parents in the pertaining to school activities. Negative relation between parents and school. To this 0 variable it was agreed enters 93,3% of the interviewed ones that for a progress in the process education/learning, the parents must keep a relation cordial and positive with the school. Opening of the school in the ends of week with activities monitored for the professors, approaches the parents of the school. This 0 variable was agreed by 72% of the searched ones, what it left clearly that the community wants to be part of the context of the school, being that this initiative would come to crown of success the yearnings of these parents.
The convivncia between professor/school/parents/pupils/community will be stronger with the participation of the parents in the school. With 92% the 0 variable was accepted that it reaffirms that, in the process education/learning has a necessity of envolvement of all: professors, school, parents, pupils and community, so that he has an education of quality. Valuation of the young, child and adolescent as inhibiting agent of the pertaining to school evasion. With 90,2% of acceptance this 0 variable was approved, that is, when the pupil is valued it takes ' ' gosto' ' for the school, not having reason to run away from the same one. A time the eradicated evasion the pertaining to school income of these pupils improves. In this 0 variable 80.7% of the searched ones they had answered that yes, that is, the evasion is linked with the income, for this has the necessity of if developing a work with that had pupil as ' ' pupil-problema' ' , therefore not having negative pertaining to school income, he will have a factor to less for the pertaining to school evasion.
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