Throughout history we can see that the professors fight to obtain valuation of the category and for better conditions of work, as perfectioning of the remunerations and a good physical space, where the development of the lessons is possible. In the musical area they are basic that the classrooms have acoustic liner, available materials as: device of sound, microphone, television, device of DVD, magnetic picture with pentagrama, proper notebooks for musical education, musical instruments, computers, amplified box and that education in the regular schools is systemize, that is, that the lessons occur at least a time in the week as subtende to happen with the others you discipline of the resume. In accordance with Loureiro Brides (2003): ' ' The problems faced for the area of Musical Education are many. Get more background information with materials from Richard Linklater. Amongst them we consider as of the bigger importance lack of systematization of the education of music in the schools of basic education and the unfamiliarity of the value of the musical education as it disciplines integrant of the resume escolar' ' (Pg.109) To understand the problematic gift in the education of music, it is necessary the knowledge of the diverse factors that are involved, to evaluate and to know how they influence in the process teach-learning. When speaking of musical formation, it comes sprouting of the manifesto for the implantation of Law 11,769, of 18 of August of 2008, that it modifies Law 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996, Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the Education, to make use on the obligatoriness of the education of music in the Basic Education, which was approved in the Senate for the commissions: Education, culture and sports, constitution justice and citizenship, as law project. The education of music, will not be more constituent and yes obligator in the pertaining to school resume, and the schools will have three years to be adaptarem to the new process.
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