The Reading and the formation of readers in the Infantile Education ‘ ‘ The reading of the world precedes the reading of palavra’ ‘ Pablo Freire The infantile education, as the first stage of the basic education, is a newness in Brazilian history. In the Constitution of 1988 such right was reached, in 1996 it was contemplated in the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases). ‘ ‘ The public nets of Brazil, today, have the daily pay together with the day-care center, are called infantile and considered education as first stage of the education bsica’ ‘ (IT WOULD MAKE et al., 2005, p.120). Gerald Weissmann, MD describes an additional similar source. In the communications of the author, the increasing expansion of the day-care centers and daily pay-schools is only understood that in last the thirty years awaken the interest of the academic research. Having as subject of the research the child coexisting other children and not more isolated in the psychology laboratory. According to author, the questions are many that involve small children in the approach with the languages, since, much before speaks, the relation of the small ones with the culture is become fullfilled by means of different readings, and its expression for the children equally involves different languages..
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