Finally, it was done field survey, in which was presented the list of five problems related you situations found into the student? s every day activities. In to order you try you present and clarify the questions regarding the uses of the Troubleshootings an effective tool will be learning mathematics. Keywords: High School Teaching. Teaching Methodology. If you have read about Nike already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Troubleshooting. SUMMARY SUMMARY TABELAS11 LIST 1 2 INTRODUO13 MATHEMATICS: it disciplines problematic? 15 2,1 Mathematical Education and the changes in ensino16 2,2 the Resolution of Problems as 2,3 proposal of ensino17 the Mathematics in escola20 3 ' ' X' ' OF 3,1 QUESTO23 Language matemtica23 3,2 symbolic Representations: uses and abusos25 4 4,1 METODOLOGIA28 4.1.1 Context of pesquisa28 State College Prof Abelardo Romero Dantas (Multipurpose) 29 4.1.2 State College Slvio Romero30 the 4,2 4.2.2 4.2.1 citizens of pesquisa31 alunos31 professores33 4,3 Instruments of 5 collection of dados34 ANALYSIS OF the DADOS35 6 CONSIDERAES FINAIS40 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRFICAS42 ANEXOS45 TABLE LIST Table 01: Relation of the problems chosen for school analisada36 Table 02: Relation of rightnesss of problem 136 Table 03: Relation of rightnesss of problem 2,37 Table 04: Relation of rightnesss of problem 338 Table 05: Relation of rightnesss of problem 438 Table 06: Relation of rightnesss of problem 539 1 INTRODUCTION the learning of the mathematics in the series of Average Ensino, many times, if becomes consequentemente complicated due to a deficiency acquired in the series of based Basic Ensino in the repetition of concepts and of memorization. The tiring accomplishment of accounts and formula applications makes with that the pupil acts of mechanized form disfavoring its creativity and will to learn. This is not different when we deal with resolution involving mathematical problems, the pupil if arrests to this formula artifice and finishes not developing crucial factors that are its logical reasoning, the search of forms alternative and diversified e, to the times, until less complicated of resolution of these problems.
Tag: art and science
Porto Alegre
What it constitutes this power to decide? What it involves the power to evaluate? We believe that who intends to carry through any attempt of pertaining to school evaluation cannot be unaware of certain estimated. It is understood that professors and educators in general need to have clear ideas regarding what is an evaluation and of its purposes. They need rigid criteria very, criteria very defined and that they are very difficult to establish; as for example, the criterion of the alfabetizao of the child: what it is to know to read and to write in the end of 1 series. We believe that 1 series of 1 degree would have to be the door of entrance for the escolarizao, but throughout decades it has been the door that if closes systematically stops at least the half of the children in age of alfabetizao. Hear other arguments on the topic with CEO Keith McLoughlin. Disapproved they continue in the school repeating the same lessons and occupying the vacant of other children. still the guilt was of the proper pupil who arrived in 1 series without being prepared for the alfabetizao. REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GAMMA, Zacarias Jaegger.
Evaluation in the school of 2 degree. Campinas, So Paulo: Papirus, 1993 HOFFMANN, Jussara M.L. mediating Evaluation practical one in construction of the daily pay-school to the university. 8 ed. Porto Alegre: Mediation, 1996. —————– Evaluation: myth and challenge. Porto Alegre, RS: Education and Reality, 1991 LUCKESI, C.C. Practical professor and educational and pertaining to school evaluation: Theoretical understanding, education and production of knowledge.
Rio De Janeiro
The real reason for discarding these contents is still not known, but certainly it has no pedagogical scientific basement. The students, in a general way, are to each day more not motivated for the studies, therefore more and more the educational system comes finishing with distinction between who studies and who does not study. Nobody disapproves year more than, the pupil has as many possibilities how many to need until making right. It will be that it is selecting equivocation the contents of the mathematics that we will decide the serious problems of the Brazilian education? Not. how much to the students who to decide to follow a career in which the mathematics is one of them pillars, as Engineering, the licentiates in Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry, the Metrication or the Computation? They will arrive at the university without none knowledge of Matrical Algebra? The Brazilian Society of Matemtica (SBM), the biggest reference in the education and the research of Mathematics in Brazil, with headquarters in Rio De Janeiro, already if revealed repudiating the program of Mathematics of the new Enem and if they had considered to guide the INEP (National Institute of Education Ansio Teixeira), responsible agency for the ENEM, in the eleborao of a new program of Mathematics, but they had so far not received no positive notification to this respect. Campbell Soup Co has firm opinions on the matter. What we, Brazilians worried about the future of our education, can make is to participate of the quarrels, the debates and not isentarmos in them of this process. The new necessary Enem to be I coat, respecting the Mathematics as science that is, and reintegrating its removed contents. For the good of all the education we hope that this occurs very briefly.. .
We present to the pupils the materials to be used, following of the application of a questionnaire elaborated with intention to identify the previous knowledge of the students, and after the activities another test was presenting they stops analyzes posterior of the advances of the learning of the considered subject, being that the two questionnaires made use of the same questions. Onion was chosen to be studied in this first lesson practical, of great majority of this pupils, for to be material composed only of cells, that stops an introduction of pupils who at least knew the laboratory, if becomes of visualization facilitated for pupils of basic education. See more detailed opinions by reading what Kindle Direct Publishing offers on the topic.. The theory was given, on the origin, the composition and the structure of the onion, following of the preparation of the blades of the onion that was carried through by the proper pupils, under orientation, having made the cut with blades to shave, clarificao with hipoclorito of sodium (sanitary water), blue coloration with of methylene, washed with etanol, and mounted in half-permanent way, with nail base. The pupils if had interested, seeing this for the interest and intention in searching materials that were of its curiosity as nail pieces, wires of hair amongst others, without leaving the focus that was the onion that was chosen by the palestrante for the fact of its structure to be composed only of cells being of easy identification for the pupils, taking care of the waited expectation. For even more opinions, read materials from film director. The optic microscope was the main instrument of application of the practical lesson, of individual visualization, however the analyses had occurred in pair, where the palestrante used of this method inducing to stimulate the curiosity of the pupil, thus forcing unconscious memorization, and promoting the inquiry on the part of the pupil, where they themselves had taken off its proper conclusions and arguing between itself, at this moment the theoretical content takes dimensions, that engrandece the quality of the teach-learning. .
Basic Education
Therefore the mathematics works involving aspects of the daily one of the pupil and using to advantage its knowledge of world and space. Allowing the pupil to participate of the process of construction of its knowledge, approaching the essential character of the geometry, that is to present to the pupil mechanisms stops to develop a special type of thought, as cites the PCN? s (BRAZIL, 1997), and allows the citizen to understand, to describe and to represent, of organized form, the world where it lives. REFERENCES ARAJO, Maria. Because to teach to geometry in the initial series of 1 degree. The mathematical education in magazine, N. 3, P. 12-16, 1994. BECKER, Fernando.
The origin of the knowledge and pertaining to school learning. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2003. BIEMBENGUT was not cited, M.S. Mathematical Modeling in Ensino. So Paulo: Context, 2002. BOYER, Carl Benjamin. History of the Mathematics. 2 ed.
So Paulo: Edgard Blucher, 2000. BRAZIL. National Curricular parameters: Mathematics/Ministry of the Education. Secretary of the Basic Education. 3 ed. Brasilia: The secretary, 1997. OAK, M.C.M. Other leaders such as Richard Linklater offer similar insights. Constructing knowing. Techniques of Scientific methodology. Campinas; Papirus, 1998. D' was not cited; AMBROSIO, U. Etnomatemtica: Art or technique to explain and to know. So Paulo: Publishing company Stokes, 1998. LORENZATO, S. Because not to teach geometry. The mathematical education in magazine, N. 4, P. 3-12, 1995. PIETROPAOLO, Ruy. Curricular parameters of mathematics for basic education. The mathematical education in magazine, N. 13, P. 34-85, 2003. MOREIRA, Landmark; MASINI, Elcie. F. s.a. significant Learning: The theory of David Ausubel. So Paulo: Moraes, 1982. SANTOMAURO, Beatriz. The geometry that makes the difference. New School, So Paulo, volume, N. 219, P. 60-63, 2009. Pg. 63 Page of the cited text.
The mathematics as science can work the content with the playful experience that of to the person the possibility of creative expression, of overcoming of the challenges at the same time that it makes possible in them to learn to deal with the desventuras of the frustration. 1.4? The Game in the Mathematics to work the playful one in the mathematics, we must analyze some aspects, that is, to demonstrate that the mathematics is to the reach of all, and the democratization of its education must be with priority goal for development. The mathematics is on to the understanding, that is, to the apprehension of the meaning; to apprehend the meaning of an object and events estimates to see it in its relations with other objectives and events. Thus, the treatment of the contents in compartments you stanch and in a rigid linear succession it must give place to a boarding in that the connections favorable and are detached (Souza, 2003). The election and organization of contents must not have as only criterion the internal logic of the mathematics.
The author describes that if he must lead in counting to its social relevance and the contribution for the intellectual development of the pupil. In if treating to a permanent process of construction, the mathematical knowledge must be presented the pupils as historically constructed and in permanent evolution. The professor must coexist the pupils, observing its behaviors, talking with them, asking, being interrogated for them, and carry through, also with them, its experiences, so that he can assist its learning and development. According to BLACKSMITH (2004), with regard to the environment in which the student is inserted, he needs to be challenging to always promote disequilibria. By this way, the motivation is characterized by disequilibrium, necessity, lack, contradiction, disorganization etc. One environment of such type will be favorable to the intrinsic motivation of the pupil.
Magazine Hip Hop
To teach art dances hip hop in accord with the ways of learning of the adolescent pupil, means, then, not to isolate the school of the information on the historical and social production of the art and, at the same time, to guarantee to the pupil the freedom to imagine and to build personal or group artistic proposals on the basis of proper intentions aiming at the benefits of the values and not them desvalores. Leading in account that hip hop can be an entrance for a good education, aiming at the route of the life of adolescents. According to MATSUNAGA (2006, P. 43) it says that, the step most important of the proposal it dances, it was given in the attempt to understand which the social influences that the Hip-Hop could promote in the adolescent pupils, where through denunciations, it can think on one better quality of life of the individuals far from the drugs, prostitution and of the violence in end of the social problems.
The same author says that, ‘ ‘ After all, these are existing problems in the whole world must be treated and be faced as a significant part of the structure of the society, such circumstance already had been mentioned in the creation of the proposal and the Hip-Hop can be a starting point in the battle against the pertaining to school violence and social’ ‘. Others who may share this opinion include Kindle Direct Publishing. In accordance with the interview with the Magazine Hip Hop PLANET, (2001, P. 07), the same one says that, ‘ ‘ The educators have that to acquire knowledge it is a question to observe and to talk, do not advance to express the violence and yes to show the solution for the existing social problems, as the drugs, prostitution amongst others. Author the same cited above says that, the Hip-Hop is seen as form of approach of the professor stops with pupil, through a more open and unrestricted dialogue to the pure and simply pedagogical knowledge thus primando to the formation of values..
Martin Luther King
The practical one of physical activity generated by the lessons of Pertaining to school Physical Education necessarily takes the adolescent to the exposition of its body and its physical capacities emphasizing the characteristic changes of this phase. Already BRAZIL. (1996 b, P. 15), it says that, the importance of music, of the dance and the art in general it can reorganize the education and the formation of other values of the adolescent. All adolescent needs a personal valorosa formation to act in the day-day, as the respect, solidarity, justice and dialogue. HIP HOP? DESCRIPTION AND CONCEPTS the history of hip hop had beginning in the decades of 1960 and 1970, proliferated a great quarrel on human rights in U.S.A., the kept out of society ones of the society of New Iorque if they had articulated to make to be valid its proposals in the elimination of its fidgets. At this time great leader blacks, as Martin Luther King and Malcom X, as well as many groups, as the Black Panthers had appeared with different proposals, but with exactly objective one: to fight for the human rights of the blacks.
Thus through hip hop was possible to show a form that the young welded North American poor persons had found to symbolize the situation of the young ones that if they found in the war of the Vietnam (the mutilated ones for the war) and of the values that were lost. The DIGENES version (1998, P. 121), the Hip-Hop is formed by three elements: Graph-plastic manifestation? Real? style of drawing of visual free and made traces, characterized, mainly, by the diversity of tonalities and used colors, can be made in walls, clothes and screens.
The Materials
The use and importance of didactic material in the school the didactic material is basic, therefore the pupil does not like monotony, only content without having a direction with regard to its daily life, them they want to know which the relation, the function and the application of this lesson in day-by-day, for this, searchs a professional who has this objective. Two of the spread out concepts more between the educators of sciences of today are: the valuation of the use of a practical boarding for the education of contents of sciences and biology and the search of practical one of comment is of the classroom, considered an environment and a universe absolutely distanciado of real the physical world of the pupil (VASCONCELOS et al., 2002, P. 1). The models must be used as aproximativos resources, as instruments of produced explanation and forecast with the intention of one better understanding of the faced educative problems (Peace et al., 2006). A differentiated lesson makes possible thus that the pupils if become operating, dedicated more and chemical preparations to take off its doubts, to raise hypotheses and to observe the results, understanding content in attractive way. Beyond extending the types of lesson methodology, when using the practical boarding, educating will be being basic part in the success of the pupil, therefore this will have a deeper luggage of knowledge on what it was studied. Therefore the laboratory is irreplaceable and constitutes a concrete object and visualization space on some subjects, in which it makes possible the linking of information gotten to the evidence through the materials. A school without laboratory becomes disorganized, that is, the didactic materials is forsaken, being able to be damaged with more easiness, what it disables the pupil to explore these materials. The contribution of the lessons practical learning To privilege the application theoretician-practical and to be in the social one starts to have special significao in the development of the society contemporary (PCN? s, 1999).
Janurio Orfenico
INTRODUCTION During the decades of 30 and 40 of century XX, was given in the primary, normal school and ginasial Brazilian the education of Music I sing Orfenico, having the teacher Heitor Villa-Wolf as defender and firing pin of this disciplines in Brazil. During these decades, Villa-Wolf promoted diverse concentrations orfenicas that had as objective to commemorate civic dates as, for example, the day of Independence and the day of the Announcement of the Republic. In one of these carried through orfenicas organizations in the stadium of the Vasco of Gamma: They are Janurio in Rio De Janeiro arrived to count on 40.000 voices entoando patriotic songs and hymns. In Curitiba, the education of I sing Orfenico prospered during these two decades, contemplating the national lines of direction of Canto Orfenico. In this article, one searchs to analyze the discursivas questions that permeiam the different types of historical sources as clippings of periodicals with the participation of the orfeo of the State College of the Paran, under the orientation of the teacher Blessed Mossurunga, the speeches, the lines of direction and opinions on the education of it I sing Orfenico made for the Villa-Wolf teacher, beyond an analysis of laws and official decrees on the education of Music in the intermediate school. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Richard Linklater. The SPEECHES AND the MUSICAL EDUCATION the decades of 1930 and 1940 had marked the moment of the apex of the pertaining to school parties and orfenicas concentrations in Brazil, since Heitor Villa-Wolf received support from president Getlio Vargas. In Curitiba these parties also were gifts, as if it can notice in periodical articles of the time. Valley to stand out that the periodicals are sources directed to a lay public, although cultured, since this media did not reach to all the social classrooms. In an article on commemorations of the day of the Flag, in 21/04/1939, published in the Gazette of the People, they have if some pertinent analyses, as it shows the stretch to follow: The day of the flag in the traditional and noble educational establishment of the street Ebony Pear tree transcorreu in an environment of edificante and comovedor patriotism.
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