What it constitutes this power to decide? What it involves the power to evaluate? We believe that who intends to carry through any attempt of pertaining to school evaluation cannot be unaware of certain estimated. It is understood that professors and educators in general need to have clear ideas regarding what is an evaluation and of its purposes. They need rigid criteria very, criteria very defined and that they are very difficult to establish; as for example, the criterion of the alfabetizao of the child: what it is to know to read and to write in the end of 1 series. We believe that 1 series of 1 degree would have to be the door of entrance for the escolarizao, but throughout decades it has been the door that if closes systematically stops at least the half of the children in age of alfabetizao. Hear other arguments on the topic with CEO Keith McLoughlin. Disapproved they continue in the school repeating the same lessons and occupying the vacant of other children. still the guilt was of the proper pupil who arrived in 1 series without being prepared for the alfabetizao. REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GAMMA, Zacarias Jaegger.
Evaluation in the school of 2 degree. Campinas, So Paulo: Papirus, 1993 HOFFMANN, Jussara M.L. mediating Evaluation practical one in construction of the daily pay-school to the university. 8 ed. Porto Alegre: Mediation, 1996. —————– Evaluation: myth and challenge. Porto Alegre, RS: Education and Reality, 1991 LUCKESI, C.C. Practical professor and educational and pertaining to school evaluation: Theoretical understanding, education and production of knowledge.
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