She is necessary to look at and to hear what the people are not saying. To the times people find that the person did not have nothing of interesting, find that person did not make our type, but are because people leaned over the look of maken a mistake and prejudiced form, and therefore did not obtain to hear what the person did not say, then, disdained everything that it spoke. Stranger is not same? But this is the version of who never was heard of truth. It is a form to participate in way missed in the life them others. If you would like to know more about Richard Linklater, then click here. To go beyond is the challenge, is the fight, is what of better it can happen. It demands humildade, demands recognizing that it does not know nothing on the other. People do not have to go to the meeting of the people with that arrogance of what we judge to know on the things, the life, the feelings, the people People must go to the meeting of the people with one ‘ ‘ ignorance reconhecida’ ‘ , not to know nothing on who we go to find, but with desire to learn and to know everything that we will be able on the person. This is the great challenge, to leave an equal state to enter in another one different and total unknown. With video of music Teamses Like These Foo Fighters
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