The quarrels on the social rights that they had proceeded the Constituent, and they had emphasized popular claims and demands of groups until then excluded in the social spaces, being that today inclusive education is fomented by the legislation in vigor and determinative of the politics you publish educational the federal level, how much state and municipal in such a way. In accordance with the Declaration of Salamanca the National Curricular Lines of direction for Special Education (MEC/SEESP, 1998), explicitam that the regular school must adopt a new position, considering in the project-politician-pedagogical one, the resume, the methodology of education, the evaluation and the strategy of education, actions that favor the inclusion social and practise educative differentiated. According to Mendes: The idea of of the inclusion if bases on the philosophy that recognizes and accepted the diversity of the life in the society. This means guarantee of all and chances, independently of the peculiarities of each individual in the social group. As resolution 02 that it institutes the National Lines of direction for Education of the Educational Necessities Special – NEE, in the Basic Education, is assured right of school registration in the schools since infantile education.

Beyond fortifying the premise of that the institution, even though of daily pay-schools and day-care centers, has the duty to offer services of special education to these citizens. Therefore, we must understand that the paper of the special education in this context is not directly on to a classificatrio paradigm, that conditions the individual a stigma based on practises social exculpatory, come from the history of the special education, but yes for its universality. That is, it is not only function of the special education to take care of to the citizens that possess necessities special, but yes of all school, in way that if ‘ thinks; ‘ education for todos’ ‘ as an alternative of cooperation in favor of the common objective: to provide to access and permanence to education to all individuals (KASSAR, 2002). Thus, the special education, in this context, passes if to constitute as proposal pedagogical of all the school, articulated with common education having the purpose to guide professors in general, so that the specific necessities of educating in its process of global development are taken care of (MEC/SEESP, 2008). In short, to think about the inclusion of special pupils without it has the psicossocial and pedagogical integration enters all the component pupils of that classroom is a ilusria and perverse form, even so skillfully masked, of segregation and exclusion, although to be together in one same space, physically only (OAK, 1998). In an inclusive school professors and pupils must respect the differences, being this the first step to construct to a society more joust.

The reason that supports the fight for the inclusion, as a new perspective for the people with deficiency, is, without a doubt, the quality of education in the public and private schools, in way that if becomes apt to answer to necessities of each one of its pupils.