When the place where the group if found could not more to offer food to them in a period, they migravam for another locality, therefore the land was of that of it could be benefited. Learn more about this with FASEB Journal. Soon they had learned to cultivate the land and to domesticate some animals. But nobody age owner you are welcome, everything belonged to all. With the growth of these communities, it had the necessity to divide the tasks. Some planted, others hunted.

Everything in the direction to produce its proper existence. However, the fact to divide the work, allowed them to develop specific techniques and this form of organization facilitated the production, where some communities had started to produce more than what they needed. this exceeding production generated the necessity of the exchange. 1 Academic of 4 year of the Course of Pedagogia Unioeste Campus of Estuary of the Iguau; 2Acadmica of 4 year of the Course of Pedagogia of the Unioeste Campus of Estuary of the Iguau, integrant of the Group of Research in Studies and You practise Pedagogical? To mediate. The communities that in turn grew had been needing each time more foods, and as the result of a good plantation is the irrigation, these communities had been if concentrating next to the great rivers, appearing then first the great civilizations. All this organization to give resulted, another form of division of the work started to appear, an origin of the division amplest of the work. As they needed to construct to canals and dams of irrigation, to choose the best locality for the plantation, to construct houses, it had those that thought the best ways and the others that worked hard to put in practical. That is, to plan and to elaborate these projects, thus established the division between the manual work and the intellectual work. The measure that each one was fixed in what it made, was gone acquiring experience in what it developed.