You desire to make at least three extra sales per day and to gain a good grana additional? If he answered that yes, then he continues reading this article, therefore it goes to give to good tips so that you to it reach this goal. The subject of this article better is explored in my book whose heading is ' ' As To guarantee Three Extra Sales For Dia' ' , of the publishing company Campus/Elsevier. Therefore in case that it wants to go deep itself, it does not lose time, reads it intently before to its it makes it opponent. In first plan you must remember of that to vender is science and art. Science because the necessary professional of sales to deeply know the characteristics of its product or services, as well as the techniques recommended in all the stages of the process of sales. The art is the form as the professional of sales must behave so that the expectations of the customer are surpassed.

A person imagines who goes to make a plastic surgery to correct the aesthetic one of the nose. The surgeon will need to dominate the knowledge technician of the medicine (science), but will equally need to have ability (art) so that the nose of the patient is, accurately, as it desires. It imagines that the majority of the commerce invests to a money richness and efforts of marketing to take the customers until the store. You cannot lose the chance to give its better when she will be with it in its front. One always remembers that to prospectar is something laborious, difficult and onerous. Then, it treats to take care of the customer well and to make the sales, therefore the next possibility will be able to delay to appear. When to carry through the sales of the main product, thinks that it only obtained to reach the first step, therefore its goal must be to at least vender more three item that compose or follow the product.