Tag: administration and businesses

The Art To Make Extra Sales Every Day

You desire to make at least three extra sales per day and to gain a good grana additional? If he answered that yes, then he continues reading this article, therefore it goes to give to good tips so that you to it reach this goal. The subject of this article better is explored in my book whose heading is ' ' As To guarantee Three Extra Sales For Dia' ' , of the publishing company Campus/Elsevier. Therefore in case that it wants to go deep itself, it does not lose time, reads it intently before to its it makes it opponent. In first plan you must remember of that to vender is science and art. Science because the necessary professional of sales to deeply know the characteristics of its product or services, as well as the techniques recommended in all the stages of the process of sales. The art is the form as the professional of sales must behave so that the expectations of the customer are surpassed.

A person imagines who goes to make a plastic surgery to correct the aesthetic one of the nose. The surgeon will need to dominate the knowledge technician of the medicine (science), but will equally need to have ability (art) so that the nose of the patient is, accurately, as it desires. It imagines that the majority of the commerce invests to a money richness and efforts of marketing to take the customers until the store. You cannot lose the chance to give its better when she will be with it in its front. One always remembers that to prospectar is something laborious, difficult and onerous. Then, it treats to take care of the customer well and to make the sales, therefore the next possibility will be able to delay to appear. When to carry through the sales of the main product, thinks that it only obtained to reach the first step, therefore its goal must be to at least vender more three item that compose or follow the product.

PNQ Capital

Nor a great investment in technology is what it guarantees the success of a project of management of the knowledge, but yes the deep transformations of the processes, the people and the means of production. With this the company starts to explain the collaborator to observe the work of the other, the talentoso observer finishes for perfecting and developing new methods for the accomplishment of the tasks. The propeller methodology of this modality is known in English for stick (in the glue direction), for generating tack to the projects of the company. The power is not in withholds the knowledge, but in spreading it. The more information you divide with the others, bigger its return. The management of the knowledge looks for to accumulate the intellectual capital that will create exclusive essential abilities and will produce resulted better. More common uses: To improve the cost and the existing service and product quality; To strengthen and to extend the abilities, for the administration of intellectual asset; To stimulate the still more lucrative innovation fastest and of new products. Consideraes Final Being overcome for base some points of view of diverse displayed authors of marketing in the development of this work, can be inferred that, currently, it does not have as to conceive the elaboration of a strategy of marketing in an organization, without the influence of its intellectual capital.

This because, due to great importance of the knowledge, to the organizations currently, its management started to be basic. As visa, in the marketing, the knowledge on the customers is of vital importance, therefore the organizations already are not more only differentiated for the quality of its products, therefore that is reproduced easily for the competitors, but for the knowledge that has of its customers. It was verified that the intellectual capital potencializa action of marketing for the conquest of the allegiance of the customers, what it is the aspect key in the strategies, therefore, without it, as the professionals could of marketing to know markets, to know customers, to identify to forces and weaknesses of its organization and the competitors, to analyze products of the competitors, to constantly monitor the plans of the competition, to create alliances, to monitor market and to anticipate the future? So that the organizations obtain to deal with the great amount of information and knowledge on the customers they constitute and them in competitive advantage is of great importance a management systemize and integrated of this knowledge. With the integration of the data it is only possible to have an only vision of the customer. Suggestions for Future Studies the considered objective was to show the influence of the intellectual capital in the marketing strategies, but it is suggested that the use and influence of the intellectual capital are also searched in other areas, as sports, music, art, etc.

Rio De Janeiro

Therefore, the searched authors contribute very of significant form with its opinions and its ranks how much to the subject, ahead of the discovery of the necessities of new trends where, the enterprise vision of the businesses will have that to incorporate the vision of the organization more human being, valuing each time, principles, beliefs and values and that they still recognize the contribution of the employee for the company and, that these companies need to have the conscience that its main asset is the people who work there. As a result, much more happy people in relation perceive themselves it’s professional, personal, effective, familiar and social lives. More open and available people for the new, for diverse knowledge, not resistant people, without mooring cables, with much positive energy and the open heart and the mind capable to transform an organization and to become it productive and healthful.

The hour and the time of the strategical RH. Available in Internet.

Cognitiva School Area

Words – key: Enterprising school and Cognitiva School Area: Strategical in Organizations SUMMARY: The first specific schools are boarded in the chapters, considering specific aspects in the formularization of the strategical one, that is, as this effectively is made. In the school of Entrepreneur it is strengthened Formation of Strategy as a Visionary Process whereas School of Cognitiva is emphasized the formularization of the strategy as a mental process. Click Richard Linklater to learn more. The schools are strengthened in both a boarding where the strategy process is presented with deliberate plans and contents of ample vision. In these schools the main executive is fortified by the concept of visionary leader for solution of organizacionais problems, as well as this vision comes from the formation versus formularization of strategical ideas INTRODUCTION: The enterprising school focused the process of formation of strategy exclusively in leader only emphasized most innate of states processes as intuition, judgment, wisdom, experience and criterion. This promotes a vision of the strategy as perspective, associate with image and sense of direction, that is, vision. ' ' The enterprising strategist is that one who if she dedicates to the generation of wealth, either in the transformation of knowledge in products and services, the generation of the proper knowledge or in the innovation in areas as marketing, production, organizao' ' (DEGEN) The defenders of this school saw the leadership personalized established in the strategical vision, as the key for the organizacional success. They had noticed this in the companies, but also in other sectors, and not only at the beginning and formation of new organizations, but also in the reformularization of organizations with problems. Although ' ' spirit empreendedor' ' originally it was associated with the creators of its proper businesses, the word gradually was extended to describe some forms of and determined personalized, pro-active leadership in organizations. In the cognitiva school, it is approached perspective of that the strategists are, to a large extent, self-taughts person: they develop its structures of knowledge and its processes of thought through direct experience.

Federal Senate

The total area for familiar agriculture is of 135 million hectares, corresponding 24% of the total area of the existing country properties in the country. That is, 90% of the land properties are of small agriculturists, however, in size these properties it corresponds only 24% of the country properties. One of the great controversies occurs for the fact of the new law to amnesty the proprietors who had deforested beyond what he was allowed for that property. In accordance with what he was aprocado in the Federal Chamber, if the proprietor more than deforested what he was allowed, it is not obliged to reforest the area exceeding of had deforested. Whereas the proprietor who fulfilled the law effective and alone deforested what the current law allows, will not be able to deforest this exceeding space. This creates a contradiction, that will only be decided with the alteration of the project in the Federal Senate.

The world cannot nomente be of ' ' espertos' ' , it has that to be also of the people who respect the laws and, above all, they are preoculpadas with the future of the planet. According to IPEA, exist about 48 million hectares whose proprietors had deforested beyond the allowed one for the currently effective law. It is a very great area that would have to be preserved that, they certamentem would culminate for benefits for the proper people who they live next. It could serve in such a way to recoup the existing degradation in these areas in terms of the proper vegetation and animals as in the question of the revitalizao of streams and rivers. This is more evident in the region Northeast where muitor rivers almost do not exist more. However, it fits for all the regions of the country. The agriculturists must get techniques, exist many available ones, the authorities could less take them until the developed agrivultores, getting bigger productivity for hectare of worked land, leaving areas that could be used of rational form, generating profits without needing to deforest it. The rationality must is present in the capitalist relations, mainly as the main capital is a good of extreme importance for the nature and all the beings livings creature: the land. The land must well well-taken care of, be prepared, lucrative and producing of life.

Marion Administration

Although to be a tool little used, the Agricultural Accounting, is seen as one complex technique, with low return in the practical one, it is known only for the Declaration of the Income tax, and the producers do not demonstrate interest in its managemental application. Amongst other factors, valley to stand out that it has contributed for this the deficiency of the countable systems, responsible in portraying the characteristics of the farming activity, as well as, the lack of professionals enabled in the transmission of administrative technologies to the agricultural producers, from there, not the inclusion of the Agricultural Accounting as instrument of agricultural or fiscal governmental politics. Crepaldi (2005) describes that the purpose of the Agricultural Accounting is to guide the agricultural and cattle operations; to measure and to control the economic-financial performance of the company and each productive activity; to support the taking of decisions in the planning of the production, of the sales and investments; to assist in the projections of flows of boxes, to allow comparisons to the performance of the company with others; to lead the personal expenditures of the proprietor and its family; to justify the liquidity and capacity of payment next to the creditors; to serve of base for insurances, leases and other contracts, and to generate information for the Declaration of the Income tax. In a global vision, Padoveze (2000) it comments that the countable management is on to the countable information that are necessary for control, accompaniment and planning of the company as a whole and used for the high administration of the company. According to Iudcibus and Marion (2000, p.19), & ldquo; The Accounting is the great instrument that assists the administration to take decises& rdquo;. It is through it that the entity checks its strong and weak points with respect to patrimony accounts, economic financier and. Of this form, through reports, procedures and countable analysis the administration obtains to transform the collected data into excellent information for the taking of decision on the part of the managers, form to reduce costs and to maximize the profits. .