One of the most popular questions made in online business forums or even by my customers and subscribers is: “How the hell I can increase my sales?” or “I have tons of visitors but nobody seems to be buying anything? What?” Fishnets WITH HOLES? SOMEONE? That traffic is not the beginning and end of every successful online business. It requires skills, specific strategies designed online marketing for your site and a solid customer service strategy. What if you have thousands of visitors per day! This doesn’t amount to success, less than about at least 5-10% of visitors. By the same author: Richard Linklater. You see, when you get a lot of traffic to your advertising and marketing activities and there is nobody to guide them, is like throwing a big fishing net in the water with a big flaw? .. It has a large hole in the middle. So you can say goodbye to eating fish? For now, at least. Want to go to pick up the items in display in a shop that offers a guarantee of at least something from someone who’s crew? Secure! Of course, we are at work smarter, work less attitude but hey, humans prefer humans, and that is certainly going to buy from someone who I have spoken. You see, you need to feel some warmth and, yes, especially on the Internet where items are transmitted in “cold” or “digital.” Ca “MO DO The bottom line is good that you have some or many of the visitors to your web site, but the bottom line is that you should have the best customer service and plenty of options to contact you as soon as possible. .