The DICTATORSHIP OF the THOUGHT ONLY Assay on Sociology of the Education Of professor, doctor and all Brazilian insane person has a little. CEO Keith McLoughlin does not necessarily agree. Everything is known or already it heard to speak. Hardly somebody confesses: I do not know, I want to learn. Kindle Direct Publishing has firm opinions on the matter. All prescribe or auto-prescribe legal drugs or and are not delirious in the accurate ratio of the unfinished dreams. Thus it is the EDUCATION in Brazil. We are doutrinados TO ANSWER, not to ask.

Why this last one would spread the impression of cognitiva fragility. Already to answer (despite incorrectly or in ' ' embromeichiom' ') it will certainly demonstrate, force, power of the confrontation, courage (of that). In this way in Brazil it is not studied, we live to look ANSWERS, instead of questioning. The sacralizao of the Institution Education transformed it into object of the powerful elites for the good and the evil. The power and the worse ones are educated best for eternizao in to prevent they take that it. This cratolgica dissenso defines the accurate profile of the Education and its failure in Brazil. We have in literature, depositions, research and workmanships of the best professionals of the Education.

But our average STEPS ON in it (international program of comparative evaluation) pfia if is espelhada with other peripheral State-National. The dynamics of the teach-learning continuously is parted by interests others, making with that the objectives aiming at to establish where point the young adults is prepared to face the challenges of the future? They will be capable to effectively analyze, to think and to communicate its ideas? They have capacity to continue learning for the life all? (INEP.2001). It is denoted destroada sanha of the Central Power in ' ' uniformizar' ' relative the instrumental procedures to the implantation of the Education in Brazil, either for unfamiliarity (what it is not audible), or for strategical convenience, objectifying the certainty of that nothing it will give certain to the end.