He receives the award for his biographical Advisor “who romanticize world. How do I write my personal mythology?” (Schibri-Verlag, Berlin 2009) Today, Dr. Andreas Mackler, head of the biography Center, in Nordwalde near Munster 2010 presented the German biography Prize in the two categories of Publisher biography and private biography. The prize winners in the category of Publisher biography is Prof. Dr. Lutz von Werder. He receives the award for his biographical Advisor who romanticize world.
How do I write my personal mythology? (Schibri-Verlag, Berlin 2009). About Prof. Dr. Lutz of Werder, the father of the German Schreibwerkstattenbewegung, Dr. Andreas Mackler writes in his eulogy: those who teach creative and biographical writing or practise, have owed much to him and his books. Prof. Dr. Lutz of Werder himself writes in his excellent book: the problem is, many people are heroic as they think.
Today’s world needs heroic people, the given biggest challenges be recognized as heroes of everyday life, and know that they’re on the hero’s journey for men as for women. In the category of private biography, Andrea Richter is awarded for her mother Elisabeth Richter biography. Dr. Andreas Mackler in his eulogy: this biography of Elisabeth Richter has been so excellent written and designed as a book, it must be awarded 2010 almost the German Biography Award! Background information: Andrea Richter (together with Andreas Timmermann Levanas) is currently in the campus publishing house title that talk, we die: how our soldiers to victims of German politics will be presented, numerous individual fates in the soldiers of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan. Background information: German Biography Award is a colleague price of the biography Center, the Association of German Biographinnen and biographers. It is awarded annually by the Association for biographical work e.V. (biography Center) and is not. So far Winners include among others the writer Alexandra Senft (2008) and the Director Rosa von Praunheim (2009). The biography Center is the Association of German Biographinnen and biographers. Since 2004 its members with publications, workshops, seminars, lectures and exhibitions are committed to the promotion of the biographical work of memory as part of cultural history. Young authors to professional biographers are trained at the Academy of the biography Center. The German biography 2010 awarded comprehensive school in Nordwalde near Munster the Cardinal by Galen in the opening of the 3rd Nordwalder biografie days 2010 from 16:00 in the Forum. The laudator Dr. Andreas Mackler is head of the biography Center.
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