The importance of the understanding of the education of History during the Military regimen, for the construction of the historical knowledge the present dissertao is about an inquiry about education History in the Basic Education and superior education, over all, in the formation of professors of History during the Military period (1964-1985) in Brazil. One searchs as this work to analyze practical the pedagogical ones used in the education of the dsiciplina in this context and inheritances or resqucios that play influences until the current days. In this perspective, this work is very important not only for us academics of the course of History, but for the professors, historians and sympathetical of Sciences Human beings in general, therefore it makes a reflection about the trajectory of the education of History in Brazil. We intend to answer during the dissertao some questions, such as: How consisted the education of History during the Military period? Which factors had taken the substitution of it disciplines for Social Studies and OSPB? That citizens searched to form? Why was implanted in the pertaining to school resume disciplines it Moral and Civic Education? Which the concerns with the formation of the professor of History? Which the ideologies of the military government? , amongst other fidgets that will be appearing in the development of the research. To answer these questionings, we will retake in a historical approach the set of circumstances that had preceded the military blow of 64 and the repression of the totalitarian governments to the education of History, for its critical text and of too much sciences human beings. With the substitution of History while it disciplines pertaining to school, for the Studies Partners in the education of 1 Degree, has a depreciation of the histriografia and of the reflections on the reality, proper of the history education, a factual History come back the nationalistic ideals and the figure of heroes appears.