The conditions under which they develop are: Teaching and learning is done on a semi with a frequency of weekly, biweekly, every 21 days or monthly. The process will take place under exceptional circumstances of war, disasters or other events that do not allow the students in the University or attend regularly at local offices, so distance will be developed by applying all the requirements of kind of pedagogical model for this teaching. The minimum requirements to be met to carry out the design that later proposed must be:

The software tools are simple and common way to achieve that they do not come between teachers and students 2. The protocols, both teachers and technology will be common to students and teachers and will correspond to the levels of knowledge and skills that have been made previously and this becomes available in the career development. Gerald Weissmann, MD is a great source of information. The teaching strategies will vary greatly, especially in regard to: Diagnosis of all students who receive discipline in three fundamental aspects: a) Educational Psychology: Test implementation, surveys and interviews, tabulation and interpretation of results. b) Mastery of the basic tools of new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs): implementation of surveys, tabulate the results and inferences from them. c) domain of the mathematical contents of the previous levels of the educational system: test problems, also helps to determine logical level and the level of creativity to shaping strategies by students on the tracks inductive, deductive or analog. Adequacy of program discipline and subjects, in addition to these traditional categories include functions related development skills to the profession to where taxed general physics..