Tag: summaries and summaries

Educational Orientation

It is of utmost importance that the educational person who orientates if sees as an educator, not in such a way as a specialist in theoretical education, and that it inside assumes its space of the school having an intention to mediate, inside of the measure of the possible one, the interpersonal relations and the reflections in the direction to exceed the instituted one? for this it needs the theoretical deepening necessary and to commit itself to the changes that if they demand as part of its professional and personal matureness. The challenge to rethink the paper of the educational person who orientates in the present time in sight of the urgency is rank of that new behaviors and knowledge are incorporated the pertaining to school resume. Levi’s does not necessarily agree. One becomes necessary that let us can appropriating in them of new instruments, resources, knowledge, methods that approach the practical one of the educational person who orientates of so excellent theories, applying them of efficient and consistent form, so that its function in the school is recognized and has the prominence that it deserves. 2 – A historical briefing of the Educational Orientation in Brazilian educational legislation: The Educational Orientation, in the educational context, appears since the Constitution of 1937, during the New State under the dictatorship of Getlio Vargas, who promoted disciplines it moral and the physical adestramento of youth for the fulfilment of its duties stops with the economy and the defense of the Nation, in such a way kept the pupils ' ' normais' ' in the regular courses, and the pupils ' ' less favorecidos' ' in daily pay-vocational and professional education. Learn more about this with Nike. ' ' less favorecidos' ' one reads the children of the diligent classrooms and ' ' normais' ' , the children of the elite. To implant the Constitution of 1937, as for the Education, had been servant diverse decree-laws, called Organic Laws of Ensino, that had undertaken a series of reforms in education, referenciando, for the first time, the profession of the Educational Person who orientates.

Adult Education

Seven lies on education of adults. So Paulo: Authors Associates: Cortez, 1987. Vanessa Rodrigues Peace Alvaro Vieira Young chicken was born in Fields (RIO DE JANEIRO) in day 11 of November of 1909. It was formed in medicine in 1932, coming back toward medical research. But late, it started to lecionar in the National College of Philosophy (FNFi) of the University of Brasil.Em 1941, became collaborating of the magazine Culture Politics. After to pass one year studying in the Sorbonne, in Paris, returned to Brazil in 1950, assuming then the chair of bearer of history of the FNFi philosophy, where before he was professor assistant.

In 1955 head of the Department of Philosophy of the Superior Institute of Brazilian Estudos became (ISEB), in commands of the Department launched the collection ‘ ‘ Texts of Philosophy Contemporary of the ISEB’ ‘ published Conscience and national reality. With the military blow and end of the ISEB Alvaro Vieira Young chicken if it exiled, in Yugoslavia and later in Chile where it worked as researcher and professor in the Latin American Center of Demography, on the ONU. In December of 1968 it came back to Brazil. In 1982, ‘ was published its book; ‘ Seven lies on education of adults. Its main workmanships had been: Conscience and National Reality; Ideology and National Development; Seven lies on education of adults; The Technological Concert of (2.

vol) between many others. The first chapter the author defined some concepts of education that in its restricted direction only with a phase that passes as infancy and youth. Different of ampler direction, that we learn in all the moments of our life and the education goes beyond a classroom, permeia for all the environments of the society the one that belongs. from the education that the human being starts to perceive and to participate collectively of the world.