In this training process of logical thought in early grades of primary school, one of the subjects of higher incidence of it is, without doubt, the mathematics because it has a style of reasoning: brevity of expression, the process of structured reflection accurately, the lack of logical leaps and accuracy in symbology, which are characteristic of this way of thinking. a In Mathematics is drawn to the optimal match with a formal logical framework. The mathematical style of thinking, because of their consistency, enables a high degree, control the accuracy in the process of thought. The mathematical style of thinking is a streamlined way of thinking, and therefore education in this kind of thinking is extremely important for all areas of science and everyday life. a There is no universally accepted definition of what it means a pensamiento matematicoa .

According to Schoenfeld AH (1992) the objectives of mathematics instruction depends on the conceptualization of what one has of what is mathematics. Such knowledge varies widely, for learning to think mathematically significaa a developing a mathematical point of view, valuing the process of mathematization and abstraction, with a predilection for its implementation and to develop the skills to use the instruments for the purpose of duality: the structure of understanding and sense of how to do matematicasa a . a In our educational experience in professional training for primary education, observed in the last decade the trend, even globally, the development of skills specific to the different cognitive domains of mathematics (calculus, magnitudes, geometry, equations , working with variables, etc.) from problem solving in different situations.