it does not comfort or soothe your pain year Please, No, No and No I do not know how many are heard on campus , cross their fingers out, but the illusion of clothing of tenderness in your body sweating with adrenaline, the illusion of hearing his cries, cooing in his arms, to kiss him, to dress and have it with you, feeding, kissing him next to your husband to change his diapers, sleeping next to give you strength, give you the courage and the courage to travel that morning of over 12 hours in medium pain, for hurting so hurt !, fluid in the middle, touch and sweating, Amid the voices of encouragement, which are hollow slogans when the contractions, Atu is just innate vocation of Mother to, giving you the strength to endure the torture of latent and active phases of labor and very painful and special stage of expulsion, Avital time! of life, and your baby as final and long awaited dream, you're shaking in your arms, and crying, scared by being born in the midst of pain and strange people, happiness is already filling the room, where everyone celebrates the miracle of life and your awaited baby begins to live and to do what makes filling you with joy, worry and tension that never end for a woman who dared Asher mother!, who shot the female world from obscurity to elite heroicidada AERES Mother from the fertilization Maybe a little sooner! … Bendita you! .. . Vladislav Doronin takes a slightly different approach.
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