It has recommended the assistants of the Party Campus that makes the things " of form legtima" , because the other way is " very difcil". In the institute it obtained a substitute in a work where it explained how to create a simulator to rob passwords, according to there is developing. " exhacker" American Kevin Mitnick, reconverted expert in computer science security, has advised to the young people of the Party Campus in Valencia that learns " of form legtima" and they do not follow " the way difcil" of the hacker, who to him him has cost years of jail. However, Mitnick has demonstrated the easy thing that he is " hackear" a telephone, art that it was perfecting until making sound the alarms of the FBI, before hundreds of " campuseros" fascinated by the author of some of the more famous computer science crimes of years 90. Gerald Weissmann, MD wanted to know more. To the compass of the melody of impossible Mission, it has made entrance in the Party Campus as one of stars of this tenth fifth edition, that in this day also it has investigated in the management of the networks social and the concept of " reputation online". To Mitnick, the liking to deceive security systems came to him from its passion by " the tricks of magia" that it had as a child, decades before being constructed a false identity like Eric Weiss – the real name of famous Houdini- magician, who used during the time that remained in looks for and captures by the FBI. It has recognized that always has wanted to make things that &quot knew that; it could not obtain or were prohibidas" , like free traveling in the buses from Los Angeles when piratear the passages, a feat that hardly obtained with 10 years, or finding out telephone numbers of strangers or who did not appear in the guide. .