Tag: home and family


useful articles, abstracts of studies in kindergarten, and recommendations. We have collected materials that allow teachers to spend quality preschool class at a high level. Main pages: Presentations. Educational game presentation for the development of the preschooler different skills. Materials for training. This section presents information that can help caregivers prepare for group lessons.

Here you'll also find audioskazki that can be placed at the beginning doshkolyatam quiet hour. Literature. Materials for activities with children of preschool age. Documentation in the DOW. This section provides documentation that is needed to of the kindergarten teacher (job descriptions, contracts, safety instructions). Puzzles, games, poems …

This section includes games, poems, riddles that will help kindergarten organize work. Teaching experience. Summaries of studies submitted by our readers. Images. Here are the baby pictures to help arrange a teaching aid for classes in kindergarten. It's no secret that – Short-stay group (PCG). Children stay in these groups ranges from two days a week to five, from 2 hours a day visiting the PCC to 3-4 hours. For a child, visiting groups of short-stay provides an opportunity to fully communicate with the children's collective ability to acquire knowledge and skills required for each child according to age. This undoubtedly contributes to a more successful socialization in the future.

Family Relations

The RELATION FAMILY X SCHOOL IN the Regal ADOLESCENCE Sherley Bridge You would make Graduated Full Licenciatura in History for the University Valley of the Acara? CE? Campus of Mother of the River? Par Postgraduate in Psicopedagogia for the UNASP? UNB? FAAMA – Par Teacher of the School Adventista de Paragominas, since 2000, Baby-25@ bol.com.br Summary: We live at a time where the values are being invested and more than what never to family and necessary school if to join to educate children if to become critical and pensantes citizens. In this process, the adolescent meets who suffers for not reaching the waited success, presenting difficulties in the learning. The relations: family and the school must be narrowed, therefore it is not of today that if it speaks that the schools must be an extension of the home and therefore, understands that the pertaining to school income of the pupil is on to its familiar relations. The school has this responsibility and psicopedagogo must act ahead of preventive form of the alarming number of adolescent children/with problems of learning other problems. In the pertaining to school institutions the psicopedagogica intervention each time more gains its space. This article was born of the concern, in what it says respect to the difficulty in the harmonic development of the abilities and abilities of the adolescents. Having as objective to make the boarding on the importance of the relation family x school and the performance of psicopedagogo.

Words key: family, school, difficulties of learning. Abstract: We live in an epoch which the values ploughs being reversed and lives than to ever, families and schools must eats to together you educate children you become citizens and critical thinkers. In this process, is to teenager who suffers from not achieving the expected success, presenting difficulties in learning. Family-school relationships should be narrowed, because it is spoken today that schools should be an extension of the home and therefore means that school achievement is linked you their family relationships.

How To Teach A Child How To Behave At The Table ?

Several ways as psychologically competent to teach children to eat food properly. There is a belief that a visit is indecent to eat everything without a trace, but it usually comes from the past, it is generated by the desire to show: I'm not poor and not hungry. Mistress, on the contrary, it is nice to see evidence that all cooked delicious. But, of course, should explain to children that you can not go to the other extreme, licking plates, even if the food seems very tasty, because it looks unaesthetic. Very helpful to young children learn the rules of table Russian folk sayings such as these: In the salt fingers are not laz not put in salt shakers dirt. Eat pie with mushrooms keep their mouths shut. Through them, children readily assimilate reasonable and useful skills, memorizing them for life.

Well, not if I eat pie with mushrooms, may I speak? asks Kate. Can I talk during the food? There is another proverb: "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb." But whether it is relevant to us? In our rapid time at the accelerated pace of life, permanent employment as a family talking mainly during breakfast or dinner and even on weekends. So, naturally, came together for an evening table, they exchange news and impressions of the day. At the same time they are without prejudice to combine health food and conversation. But small children who have not yet learned to chew and swallow food mechanically, but always break off to talk with your mouth full, all talk during the meal are contraindicated.

If "a little tongue," and the soft palate is not closed in time between the opening oral and nasal cavity, the food can get into your nose. And if time does not work the epiglottis, the food may enter the windpipe and even the lungs. And it is very dangerous. Sometimes it even ends the operation.