No one said that life is easy, only said that it is worth living it. Since then, the fact of qualified as Manager, does not prevent the emotions arise, of the importance of knowing them handle everything in such a way that does not generate conflicts, imbalance, stress, otherwise, must give way to favourable results, benefiting not only the Manager but to all those that are interrelated. Unfortunately there are many managers who can’t manage their emotions, control them and this has caused you serious problems, both their performance and their health, in their interrelations, leadership. Today it is essential that leaders and managers can learn to control their emotions, and those of their subordinates, not only so that these do not control negative performance of them at work, but that will become an opportunity to improve the interaction and productivity of all members of the team. The Manager every day is subjected to emotions, especially when it touches the decisions involving a results are involved persons accompanying him in the achievement of the stated objectives, therefore must be attentive as they generate emotions, how to control them so that they not arising from conflicts, disharmony and since then significantly affect the organizational climate of the company. In an interesting written envelope this, school Mental education, provides, that emotions are not frowned at the workplace.
Very common is that tell us controls your emotions, you should keep a cool head, or even more, let us not that emotions control us, we have to think rationally.But these are bad advice. These phrases reflect a misunderstanding of what the emotions are. I.e. that emotions are a remnant of millions of years of evolution, and that a more perfect person should necessarily be more rational and less emotional. Thus, many believe that emotions are as useful as the Appendix, and to the extent that they can be eliminated from our behavior, best will be our performance.But this concept is scientifically false.
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