The construction of the new education campus Heilbronn accompany the education campus Heilbronn with innovative idea which is Dieter Schwarz Foundation with a series of films on the Internet. The special feature of this series: It combines real information with an acting background story. Our new Web series is an exciting and unique in Germany attempt, enthusiasm for the subject of education”to wake up, to explain Klaus Czernuska and Dr. Erhard Klotz, the two managing directors of Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the motivation for the film project. We hope that with this new type of information processing also so far still not training savvy of the population on the importance of education attention will, so Klotz and Czernuska next. Each week a new episode is the Web series in three seasons with ten episodes and a three-part finale the education campus Heilbronn and education”present. The name of the series is 30 “(spoken: thirty nine), because she accompanied the campus until its opening on September 30, 2011. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Richard Linklater. “30” is produced by the Heilbronner film and design agency Magmell.

There, the scripts are written by Simon Hollay and Kronen Ayodele, who also directs. The series main actress Nadine Petry. She plays a schoolgirl who finds their way to study in an act of love, intrigue and strokes of fate. The Web series which can be seen on lifelong learning with the construction of the education campus Heilbronn on September 23, 2010, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation supports lifelong learning. She wants to be there working, where social and economic requirements, which can not or not sufficiently meet state institutions or providers. The offers of educational institutions on the campus in Heilbronn therefore promote education, which focuses on the various stages of life. On the new campus in the Heilbronn City Centre School of management and law (GGS), the Academy for innovative education and management (AIM), a branch of the Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemberg (DHBW) Mosbach be accommodated from autumn 2011 the German Graduate. Synergies for the formation of “the study and continuing education offers by the two universities and the improvement of educational and professional opportunities through the AIM complement each other perfectly.

“This cooperation between a private and a State College and a training Academy is so far unique in Germany, Dieter Schwarz Foundation present the Managing Director. So you build numerous educational opportunities for different needs with the education campus and create synergies with the activities of three educational institutions. “Open for all people the Dieter Schwarz foundation built not only the buildings for the GGS, the DHBW and the AIM, but it creates the so called Forum on campus also a central building”. In it, a Hall for 400 people, a library and a cafeteria of the Studentenwerk Heidelberg are accommodated, can also be used by the University of Heilbronn (HHN). Thus will the campus open for people, companies and organizations of the city, the region and beyond. We want to also Dialogue and communication an important support, key for innovation and progress, but also for integration, for mutual respect and openness”, emphasize the Education Manager logs and Czernuska.