“” Appeal must clearly improve Bonn medium-sized Hidden Champions “are the spearhead of the German economy”. But hardly anyone knows the more than 1,200 German medium-sized world market leaders, says Professor Hermann Simon, Chairman of the management consultancy Simon-Kucher & partners and author of the book of Hidden Champions of the 21st century. Success strategies unknown world leader”. Since 1995 this company a million new jobs acquired points while the DAX-30 companies in Germany next dismantle, Simon in the PT Magazine. On the export situation of the German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Hidden Champions made an incredibly high contribution. Compared to its export quota in 1995 by 51.5 percent of current value by ten percentage points had increased a clear proof for the progression of globalization”.

The average Hidden Champion export goods amounting to 200.5 million euro with a rate of 61.5 percent. Overall these are deceptive 263,8 billion to the export of roof countries companies accordingly, so the author. These were 26.8 percent of the total exports of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. “According to Simon, the globalization developed to the absolute mega-trend: the opening of markets in Eastern Europe and Asia, the falling of trade barriers, lower costs for transport, communication and travel markets of Hidden Champions massively expand.” Yet Germany’s students the medium-sized companies in the comparison too low attraction to the corporations. “Under the slogan the long way from the Hidden Champion Visible champion” experts at the invitation of Jobs.de, discussed now Jobsuchmaschine JobScout24 GmbH.

I appeal urgently to the middle classes, to educate myself now needed young talent to present the graduates as an interesting alternative to the corporations themselves. The medium-sized companies need to contact more to high schools and universities, because the companies do already for quite some time. For the mid-market However, thats a whole new terrain”, says Mario Ohoven, President of the Association of SMEs (BVMW). The Hidden Champions on the right candidate would come with more presence on the campus and in the schools. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web: