Renowned Mannheim Research Institute presents its new research project on linguistic analysis and optimization of call center calls the itCampus stand. Since 2009 the Leipzig software and system House works itCampus with the Institute for the German language (IDS). To this year’s CallCenterWorld, the European leading event of call and contact center industry, the prestigious Science Institute in Mannheim will present itself for the first time together with the itCampus group. From 9 to 11 February 2010, the IDS in Hall 5, stand B1 of the Berlin Estrel Convention Center introduces a new research project, which takes calls from call center agents from linguistic point of view under the microscope. “Linguistic analysis and optimization of call center conversations” so is the ongoing project that is funded and carried out jointly with the Department of speech science and phonetics of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg by the Federal Ministry of education and research.

The Institute for German Language will present to the CCW 2010 first interim results of the ongoing until end of June 2010 project. Film director does not necessarily agree. Scientific analysis aims to uncover systematic problems in the negotiation and to develop empirically informed training concepts and requirement profiles. Including 400 authentic call center conversations and 17 detailed agents interviews are the basis of the study. The new research project is based on several scientific studies, which also itCampus as technology partners. This close scientific connection helps the IT companies, at an early stage to identify product innovations and to develop to market maturity. Best example of this is the ELSBETH family, which has its origins in various scientific works and today Europe is one of the leading communication solutions.

To the CallCenterWorld 2010 itCampus numerous ELSBETH innovations will present for the first time the public: including the new distribution model ELSBETH software as a service, with the ELSBETH solutions from now on -demand and thus needs are available via the Internet or telephone network. Furthermore, the new version 2.0 itCampus presents of ELSBETH VocalCoach that allows a fully automated monitoring of all conversations in real time. Also launches itCampus with ELSBETH PowerContact Xpress a benefit package, the three free licenses of the campaign management system ELSBETH PowerContact includes and allows entry into a professionally managed customer dialogue in particular small and medium-sized companies. About the Institute for German language: The Institute for the German language (IDS) is the central non-university institution for the study and documentation of the German language in their current use and its more recent history. The IDS is member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft. Currently 86 research institutes and service device belong to the Leibniz Association for the research and four associate members. For more information, or. More information: Prof. Dr. Arnulf Sztancs, head of pragmatics, Tel. + 49. 6 21 58 13 09, E-Mail about itCampus: itCampus is an innovative software developer with international connections to science and research. founded in 1999 in Halle and Leipzig, the company has today its own offices in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the Switzerland. itCampus offers its customers Europe-wide communications solutions, consulting and individual solutions in the areas of software development and software ergonomics. The intelligent telecommunications solutions named ELSBETH are among the core business. They are employed in call and contact centers and communications-intensive enterprises. Since April 1, 2009, the software AG as a majority shareholder of itCampus is involved. Software AG is the world’s largest independent provider of business infrastructure software.