According to sources, the stamped paper of the hospital and the doctor’s name were real, but this statement had not been issued by the hospital, and according to what we’ve seen, its content is completely false. In conclusion, according to our investigations we have determined, that this message that has been circulating in the Dominican Republic, simulating that it has emerged from the Attorney-General’s Office, is really a copy of another message to circulate in Mexico, in August 2007 and in June 2008, also simulating being in the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) of Mexicowhich was denied in a statement published in the newspaper digital garbage and dated 17 June of the current year. com that reads: the Attorney General of the Republic said that a dispatch of press that this afternoon was ascribed to the institution through various means is false press releases, where alert to parents, teachers and education authorities about the sale or gift of impregnated decals with drug LSD outside of campuses. The spokeswoman for the PGR in the State of Tabasco, jasmine Diaz said that the document is a forgery with the logo of the PGR who appeared glued this Tuesday at various campuses of preschool and elementary school in the center of the city of Mexico. Definitely, there are no the most minimal chance that a child may be victim of this drug through tattoos and/or self adhesive decals. However, we cannot ignore that any child or adolescent at any time may be at risk of any form of provocation or innuendo associated with these substances, if we as parents don’t take care of their environment. Richard Linklater has much to offer in this field. This type of message was described as a computer virus HOAX calls, as summarized in it page specialized in VSantivirus computer viruses, in date April 12, 2001, and according to Wikipedia verbatim is defined as: A HOAX is nothing more than an attempt to make believe a person or group of people that something false is real (the English translation to the Spanish is deception, hoax, mockery). In Spanish-speaking countries the term was popularized mainly referring to massive cheating by electronic means especially through the Internet.

It is a message of e-mail with false or deceptive content. It is usually distributed in chain by its successive receivers because of its shocking content that seems to come from a serious source and reliable or because the same message requests to be forwarded. As you can see that information has been repeating from time to time with the same content as is State broadcasting since early 1990s, hope that nobody in their right mind pay to disseminate this type of messages, since it creates disturbance and nervousness to the Dominican family and the world, while we’re saturating Internet networksThis being the ultimate purpose of the creators of such messages. JORGE LUIS VARGAS r. diploma high Corporate Security Coordinator General Chapter security Dominicano July 07, 2008. -Security specialist, certificate in senior management from security corporate Blogs related to all parents in the world Unjubilado Toyota Service Bulletin Shock absorb Replacement Criteria the probative value of photocopies.