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Diverse School

It reduces the ignorance and, therefore, it allows that the individuals have a clarified behavior. It assures the professional adjustment, therefore any profession requires considerable amount of knowledge, assuring the individual and collective progress, that all desire and whose promotion is mission of the responsible ones. It is in this scope that the reality of the school must be thought and mainly planned having its peculiar characteristics, so that the same one assumes the responsibility to act for the transformation and in the search of the social development. The participants of the pertaining to school community must pledge themselves in the elaboration of a proposal, so that the objectives tracings are materialize there. The participation of all the involved ones in day-by-day of the school and the taken decisions promotes a planning in which the diverse vises of the pertaining to school reality are inserted, making possible the presence of the democratic debate, favoring the execution of action through commitments constructed between those directly reached by the planning. Participativo acting is focado in the dialogue, the constant exposition of the interests and in the mutual agreement of the involved ones and whenever to feel the necessity of changes, them they must be assumed collectively.

The participativo planning is the process of the organization of the collective work of the school. That one carried through by a group of people is understood for collective, amongst managing them, professors, coordinators, pupils and employees. Whose work is pautado in the joint action of this team, around the social function of the school. The accomplishment of this collective becomes challenging task that demands persistence, patience and belief in that where if it desires to reach. The schools have assumed one weight each bigger time in the conception, planning and accomplishment of diverse activities in distinct levels of functioning. With the gradual agreement of these institutions as organizations endowed with autonomy, a class action becomes necessary to consolidate the improvement of the quality politics, pedagogical and administrative of the school.

Planet Love

She is necessary to form educators to assist the society in the administration of what it inherited. Brazil can also give to the world a great example of fraternity, when considering a program of recycling of lives and the restoration of the man. The Family, the Church and the State, together, can implant a new style of life. When the man wastes positive water, light, trees, thoughts, chance to preserve itself, intelligence to interact in the preservation of the Planet, is adubando with the proper tear of the irresponsibility the land of the death to come to ruin itself. When he distributes garbage politician, social, spiritual, emotional, and all the species of inconsequentes actions, is infectando the space, sowing upheavals. They are hideous crimes against the life.

It does not hinder that the birds fly in the direction that to want, does not interrupt its sings, does not destroy its nests that if hide for airs. It does not make walls hindering that the rivers parade calm in the direction of the seas, them are the first inhabitants of the Planet. It plants trees, it saves water, lights the light, but if it does not forget to erase it. The life is pretty, the Land is clamando still, to the search of that it can love it. Youth received from inheritance of the bad governing, of the indecent resumes, ‘ ‘ educadores’ ‘ dormentes and of the omissive parents, a great riqussimo patrimony badly managed, badly conserved, badly loved.

When the man to reforest ideas, to trim the dry twigs of the anger, to water the roots in the source of the faith, goes spoon the fruits of a oxigenado world of love. There, yes, the balanced man goes to balance the Planet! It is urgent that if he faces the biggest challenge of all the times: to form the values that go to substitute the annihilating minds for that they have sensitivity to love and to preserve. The slogan could be: it adopts its planet as bichinho of esteem. It is an educational challenge.

Musical Education

Throughout history we can see that the professors fight to obtain valuation of the category and for better conditions of work, as perfectioning of the remunerations and a good physical space, where the development of the lessons is possible. In the musical area they are basic that the classrooms have acoustic liner, available materials as: device of sound, microphone, television, device of DVD, magnetic picture with pentagrama, proper notebooks for musical education, musical instruments, computers, amplified box and that education in the regular schools is systemize, that is, that the lessons occur at least a time in the week as subtende to happen with the others you discipline of the resume. In accordance with Loureiro Brides (2003): ' ' The problems faced for the area of Musical Education are many. Get more background information with materials from Richard Linklater. Amongst them we consider as of the bigger importance lack of systematization of the education of music in the schools of basic education and the unfamiliarity of the value of the musical education as it disciplines integrant of the resume escolar' ' (Pg.109) To understand the problematic gift in the education of music, it is necessary the knowledge of the diverse factors that are involved, to evaluate and to know how they influence in the process teach-learning. When speaking of musical formation, it comes sprouting of the manifesto for the implantation of Law 11,769, of 18 of August of 2008, that it modifies Law 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996, Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the Education, to make use on the obligatoriness of the education of music in the Basic Education, which was approved in the Senate for the commissions: Education, culture and sports, constitution justice and citizenship, as law project. The education of music, will not be more constituent and yes obligator in the pertaining to school resume, and the schools will have three years to be adaptarem to the new process.

Teamses Like These

She is necessary to look at and to hear what the people are not saying. To the times people find that the person did not have nothing of interesting, find that person did not make our type, but are because people leaned over the look of maken a mistake and prejudiced form, and therefore did not obtain to hear what the person did not say, then, disdained everything that it spoke. Stranger is not same? But this is the version of who never was heard of truth. It is a form to participate in way missed in the life them others. If you would like to know more about Richard Linklater, then click here. To go beyond is the challenge, is the fight, is what of better it can happen. It demands humildade, demands recognizing that it does not know nothing on the other. People do not have to go to the meeting of the people with that arrogance of what we judge to know on the things, the life, the feelings, the people People must go to the meeting of the people with one ‘ ‘ ignorance reconhecida’ ‘ , not to know nothing on who we go to find, but with desire to learn and to know everything that we will be able on the person. This is the great challenge, to leave an equal state to enter in another one different and total unknown. With video of music Teamses Like These Foo Fighters

Martha Kohl Learning

On the other hand, we deliberate the historical perspectives of the development of the language and of the thought, the inquiries interdisciplinares had promoted advances important as method results in it in the veracity of this research. However, when developing this research we acquire important knowledge, that will go in giving support to them for our learning. However, we saw that the authors had been many who had contributed for the understanding of the language and its repercussions. By in such a way, the language is had as an element related to the knowledge arbitrary that it is gotten by means of the thought, a time that the thought is not simply express for words, more by means of them that the thought starts to exist. The present research took to understand as it happens it better us the process of development of the language and the thought of the child and, however to analyze this process of more forceful form, on the basis of the estimated one that it was supplied in them. The research is true, based in the hypothesis in the objectives gifts.

However, the study carried through on the development of the thought and the language it made with that our curiosity for eventual studies related on the thought and the language despertasse. On the basis of the studies carried through throughout this article we suggest as instruments of research subjects related to the development of the thought and the language, its historicidade and that the same ones can cure any doubts on the sprouting of the language and the thought. David G. DeWalt describes an additional similar source.

Society And Education

The education and the construction of a society more joust Much if has spoken in the education as form of construction of the individual before the society, constituting half the more efficient and available one to obtain one ' ' place to sol' '. To improve the status in the society is the dream of many people and worse that is the position that occupies, has a belief very spread out that, will have motivation and a good education, the concretion of its ideals is more than certain. Although already materialize the ideals of a public, universal and gratuitous school in almost all the said countries developed, still are dreams pursued for many countries, mainly those of Latin America. But these dreams are not new, in contrast, have deep roots in the past. Passed this where the principles and ideals as equality of rights chances constituam doctrine in liberalism. However, the paper of liberalism constitutes in the education an instrument of construction for a igualitria society and more joust and this are present strong in the speeches varied in the pedagogia and plan of state in Brazil. Liberalism is a system of beliefs and certainties, an ideology. Of this form, the liberal doctrine recognizes the social inaqualities and the rights equally established, a necessity for a better society, but this will have to start for a good education and of quality for all..