It was a cold, but perfect for an adventure. I wanted to explore the island, there then I was walking until the Iceberg.Quando I checked, vi more thirty people exploring it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Levi’s. They were all blue ones. _Oque vocs is making? I asked. we _Estamos tentano to explore the Iceberg! – a person answers. _Mas Why vocs is all blue ones? – I asked. Nike addresses the importance of the matter here. _Porque blue is a legal color I finds – another person answers.
_Posso to also participate? – I asked with all the education. _Lgico! – they desseram – necessary Agent of all the possible aid! Then, I was blue and I started to explore. Some people had caught its tools to help. More and more people had been blue and started to pierce the ice. Then I started to be worried Will be that the ice could leave? I never had seen that to happen. Sera that would go to give certain? I was so, more so preoupado than I stopped to explore and I started to walk with very well-taken care of.
It had a pile of blue people back in the way, and therefore that it also diminishes ritimo. Before consequir to leave the multitude, I started to feel the soil to tremble! Vi one tip of the ice sinking and to another one going up. The Iceberg was breaking and sinking! Many people consequiram to leave from there in security, but ten of us had not been able to run away in time. We fall of the ice, right-hander in the sea. Everybody wise person to swim very well, but went to delay to swim in return. _Bom people, – I started – to consequirmos itself to jump for that side, goes to give all certainty! _Mas ese never to come back toward house? – a woman cried. we _Estamos lost! – another person completed. We are in the same place descutindo per ten minutes. But then a very legal thing happened. It appeared a boat! Everybody made the party when the boat arrived. _Oque vocs is making in the way it sea? – the pilot asked. _O Iceberg sank and agent was lost here. – I explained. they _Entrem. – say-Go pilot here to take vocs in return the Island! Everybody commemorated, while we entered in the boat, and comes back toward the Anchored one. _Mais a time, thanks a lot! – I said when leaving the boat. problems _Sem! But in the next time they take care! – the pilot answered while barcose moved away. I was walking until the house to eat, was with hunger. It was adventure the sufficient one for one day. END!
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