: YooFive is an online portal, on which any services can offer, write and take advantage of. After a successful start, the German market leader in the mini job fairs will now go the next step. Users of YooFive.de have now the opportunity to abandon requests for services, where you can ask other users for help. Click David G. DeWalt to learn more. Anders than with the conventional providers, it is bound in the preparation of requests not to a fixed price between 5 and 100 euro. This means that everyone can decide themselves how much the performance of a service is worth to him, whereby the amount must not be less than five euros.

Thanks to this new feature, it is now possible, regardless of already to choose standing offers which meet not always her own needs, to formulate his own individual desires. As already on offer, so requests can be obtained on any city. Accordingly varied the requests can be. In addition to virtual services, such as the You can find example of designing a Christmas greeting card, including helping hands to the snow slide on its own doorstep. The new 18 main and 70 categories, where requests can be entered, open the users in a wide range of possibilities. How it works: formulate your request and set how much the completion of your request is worth to you.

Determine the main and subcategories in the request to be registered and enter the period, where your order is to be processed. Once the request has been added, other users have the possibility to apply for it. From all candidates you can choose now those, which you would like to support with your request. To make your decision easier for you, you can see the reviews of individual candidates by other users. After you have made your choice and the chosen one has accepted the order in turn, all other competitors will automatically receive a rejection. Conclusion: Thanks to the new requests feature on YooFive must now No wishes remain more unfulfilled! You want to move in a few weeks and still desperately looking for someone who helps you? You would like to go on your next campus party, but did anyone who carries you to the lecture the next morning in the attendance list? Or are you looking for someone who takes care of your beloved online game, while you’re on vacation? No problem! Simply create a corresponding request and with any luck someone who will assist you with your problem can be found soon.