This means that by very close as the relationship with other people, not you must delegate this responsibility. The spaces ideal for tackling the issue are the experiences of friends, programs, movies, etc) do not confuse the process of mourning which adults live with the children. We must prevent share confusion with children, which could place them in roles they do not deserve. (3) Is important to leave a time between the time in which gives the news to the children and the moment in which one parent leaves home.
This is a period of essential importance and necessary to make questions, cry, get angry and get ready for the game. (4) Take the utmost care with the feeling of guilt that usually occurs in children. It is necessary to explain to them that it is a decision of adults and make clear that they will always be a family, than There will be love between you and maintain communication and respect. (5) Avoid speaking ill of each other. This is an unfair conduct and causes much mistrust in the children, who, finally, feel manipulated. (6) No need to express all the anguish, pain and anger against the children, but we must not fall into the opposite. (7) If it is a separation to fix roads, so should communicate it. As parents must take care to not make reconciliation and leave clear their decisions.
Don’t give false expectations. (8) Give the news to family and friends. You can seek support in teachers and psychologists of the campus of the children. (9) Be very careful with the handling. The children sometimes exploit the situation to break rules and alter the family system. (10) Neither should victimizarse. We all have a right to be sad, angry, and depressed during this period, but does not mean that you must stop with the mental health. (11) The children should not take on the role of father or mother, they need to live their role as children, according to their age and experience. (12) The duel of the divorce process involves many feelings and difficult thoughts. However, we must prevent these thoughts. Something that can help is remember the happy times and speak with hope for the future. With information: sonnianavas.
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