One cacoete sazonal The territorial spaces of USP University of So Paulo had served recently of palco brutais scenes in optimum style of the urban violence after-modernista. There the director thought: that is a nonsense. It does not have cabimento. It does not combine with the image of our erudio. A malignant force she seems infiltrated in our way and, if I observe well, acts freely.
I do not see alternative, seno to ask for aid to the authorities. Result: the USP signed covenant with the Military Policy, that started to watch the campus more than close and more it happens frequently. It did not delay very, like protest against the presence of the policemen, the building of the Reitoria was busy. It is to believe that for some students the installed presence of the Policy in the domnios of the University it made to vibrate a note of similitude with the presence of the UPPs in the Carioca slum quarters. In the following day, the Director, in interview granted to the CBN, declared, mentioning the occupation to it of the Reitoria, that ' ' this not it is newness that it is not newness, because in last the twenty and five years this question of the occupations is things that almost happen that in the annual calendar. That this is not positive nor that if has become something aceitvel.' ' It has in the summary supplies three concrete factual elements logically sequenciados and one room element that, finally, if it erects with the exclusive end of to appreciate not all, but only one of the elements previous. The concrete factual elements are the violence registered in the campus, the accord with the Military Policy, and the occupation of the Reitoria. The appreciative element is the commentary that the Director expende by the way of the occupation.
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