Liveing currently in Par, Djanira> it moved with the children of Parnamirim, first in 1972, for occasion of the conflicts in the district of the Adobe, what it motivated the change of the family S Almeida for the Paran. Later for Itaituba, in virtue of its children to have installed a College in this city. All the culture of Parnamirim must it its illustrious personages who had made and makes its development. Before enumerating the entailed important names to the History of Parnamirim she is necessary, one more time, to stand out the prominence the Martinho of the Agra Coast – Lieutenant Colonel come of Catol of the Rock in the Paraba, descendant of Portuguese, who was the founder of the Village of Santana of the Bag, responsible for the first measures of lands and definition of the village of Santana and the towns of Humait and Belmonte, old farms that they had given to origin the Leopoldina and, that is currently, is the city of Parnamirim. Also if the religious influence of cult must to the Brgida de Alencar Mrs. Santana and its participation politics for rise of the Town of the Bag to the Village of Avila, became rich farmer and heiress of the lands that before lease. She was mother-in-law of Martinho of the Agra Coast, proprietor of great extension of land that went of Cabrob the Ex, old part of would sesmaria that it corresponds to the Great Farm, Farm of the North and Farm Pan D water, and that, as it consists in notary’s office of Cabrob, it left in will the lot of land of the Village of Santana, later Leopoldina (current Parnamirim) for its Josefa son Maria of the Carmo, wife of Martinho of the Agra Coast. Also it left the lands that today belong to the city of Ouricuri for other heirs, being at the time tutoradas by Bernardino Maranho, judge of that Judicial district.
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