Inside of the line of research of Ambient Education Not-deed of division (EANF) we consider as research phenomenon the ecological movement of the Rio Grande Do Sul. The research will be developed inside of the parameters of the Ambient History, in which one of its functions is to act in the construction of subsidies theoretician-metodolgicos for the Ambient Education and knowing that the ecological movement if institutes as space of informal and not formal Ambient Education. Of this form, the ecological movement if constitutes as organization 1 Pedagogical Project of the Program of Ambient Education, 2010, op. Cit. social, as space of Ambient Education, as social group that acts having as focus of action the socioambientais questions and influences in the power to decide processes in the handling and conservation of ecosystems. The socioambiental context that the research will focus is the city of the Rio Grande – Been Rio Grande Do Sul – in the decades of 1970-80. In the center of this reflection it will be the human being in interaction with the environment having as reference one to look at description.
Of this form, the environment of the city of the Rio Grande if presents as a vast field for projects of research in the area of Ambient Education, until as in result of the coexistence of the partner-economic organization urban-industrial who if points out on-line of border with riqussimo coastal ecosystem of the Lagoon of the Ducks, also having interaction with the Atlantic Ocean. From what it was displayed above, we will develop some topics of our theoretical references. The Environment concepts, Ambient Education, Ambientalismo and Ambient Histria will be argued. In this direction, we know that still a conception predominates in our society ' ' ecologizada' ' , that is, conservacionista of environment, even so let us recognize the advance of the vision that we consider more including, called of socioambiental conception.
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