Decurrent of the unpreparedness of the educators to deal with hiperativas children, the consequences are diffusest and traumatic for educating. In this direction, Barros (2002), through its prxis looks for to minimize the negative impacts that carry out dficits of social abilities by means of infantile games, leaving of the comment of the incapacity to keep for much time the attention in pertaining to school tasks. With the new referring pedagogical project to Ensino Basic of nine years importance of learning through playing is distinguished, thing that has times was not valued, second descrev Elkind (2004, p.52), Hirsch-Pasek (1991) calls the daily pay-schools centered and not guided in playing of academic daily pay-school. According to it the effect to corrupt the way to play of them create evidentes more when they enter the school.
It is there that the lack of personal, social and deriving abilities of playing becomes more visible. Lack of respect for the professors, intimidations, tricks and long incapacity of concentration for periods are today place-common. This new social environment is, … in part, attributable to the absence of playful experience in the real world. So that the child learns if to control more quickly, he is necessary that she is also stimulated in house, establishing a routine thus strengthening, the obligation to ahead control its behavior of the people. The hiperativo behavior of the child takes many times the parents to react brusquely, forgetting that they are models, or better, mirrors for its son. How he goes to demand of its son if you do not think before acting? The TDA/H is folloied of symptoms as challenge and opposition, what it makes with that the child delays if to adapt to a new way of relationship with its parents.
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