It, looks for to defend that the analyzed books are a significant sampling of what he has been used in the schools of all Brazil, as material of support to the education of History in the levels average and basic. From this small introduction we can say that the ANDRIA boarding is sufficiently complex, however, it detaches first that the sprung from the same father and mother subject is left in second plain, without value as an important subject for the History of the average age, and detaches despite the book that more approached the subject used in maximum 4% of its pages to speak of the full brothers. According to it the subject ' ' germano' ' it is dealt with exclusion: or the full brothers are treated as wild or as barbarous to a general way, and to the confused times until with other peoples. According to ANDRIA, many of analyzed books create a empatia with the reader when presenting the full brothers and some authors express a lack of alignment, accord or correspondence with one determined time. Many of analyzed books include terms that make a judgment based on a set particular of values. Finally, it shows a total exaggeration between the didactic books that had been searched, and that these books still show today the same historiografia of Sec. XIX as for the full brothers. It adds saying that, in the specific case of the full brothers, some researchers and historians with works published and in progress in the country exist all, and that these works little are divulged in the academic circuits. The Medieval Studies in Brazil and the Internet: an analysis of the virtual resources in the medievalista production (1995 the 2006). One is about a text where the authors, Prof Dr Leila Rodrigues Da Silva and Prof Dr Andria Cristina Lopes Frazo Da Silva, both of the UFRJ, had considered it to elaborate an analysis of the impact of the virtual resources, through the INTERNET, in the medievalista production in the period of 1995 the 2006, in Brazil.
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